This page (revision-135) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:55 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:45 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
135 26-Apr-2021 10:55 9 KB Administrator to previous
134 26-Apr-2021 10:45 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
133 26-Apr-2021 10:45 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
132 26-Apr-2021 10:45 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
131 26-Apr-2021 10:45 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
130 26-Apr-2021 10:45 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
129 26-Apr-2021 10:45 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
128 26-Apr-2021 10:45 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last Sectors ==> Villages
127 26-Apr-2021 10:45 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
126 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last Наукa ==> ScienceDescription
125 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
124 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last Город ==> City
123 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
122 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
121 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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[{Image src='gate.png' align='left' }]__Gate.__ After the "Gate" science is [studied |Science] you will be able to open City [Gate|Gate].\\
[{Image src='sectors.png' align='left' }]__Villages.__ After the "Villages" science is studied, [Villages|Sectors] cells, including Resource Deposits and other players’ buildings (if there are any) will become visible for you. \\
[{Image src='building.png' align='left' }]__Construction.__ This science allows constructing or upgrading 1 or more buildings, depending on the science level.\\
[{Image src='terraforming.png' align='left' }]__Terraformation.__ Allows constructing the Terraformer building. \\
[{Image src='repairing.png' align='left' }]__Repair.__ Allows repairing 1 or more buildings, depending on the science level.\\
[{Image src='army_management.png' align='left' }]__Mission Control.__ Allows a number of missions to run at the same time.\\
[{Image src='outer_estates.png' align='left' }]__Outer Domains.__ Allows owning several Outer Domains. \\
[{Image src='gate.png' align='left' }] __Vrata.__ Po [preučevanju|Science] znanosti Vrata dobite možnost, da odprete [vrata|Gate] v mestu.\\
[{Image src='sectors.png' align='left' }]__Raziskovanje naselij.__ Odpira celice s sredstvi in tuje stavbe v [naseljih|Sectors]. Omogoča vam, da v naseljih gradite stavbe.\\
[{Image src='building.png' align='left' }]__Gradnja.__ Omogoča vam, da istočasno gradite ali izboljšujete od 1 do nekaj stavb, odvisno od stopnje znanosti.\\
[{Image src='terraforming.png' align='left' }]__Terraformiranje.__ Omogoča, da zgradite stavbo Terraformer. \\
[{Image src='repairing.png' align='left' }]__Prenova.__ Omogoča vam, da prenovite od 1 do nekaj stavb istočasno, odvisno od stopnje znanosti.\\
[{Image src='army_management.png' align='left' }]__Upravljanje misij.__ Omogoča vam, da odpravite več misij istočasno.\\
[{Image src='outer_estates.png' align='left' }]__Zunanja posestva.__ Omogoča vam, da imate več zunanjih posestev.\\
[{Image src='underground_science.png' align='left' }]__Underground Domains.__ Allows owning Underground Domains.\\
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After the first level of a science is studied you will be able to construct a building and train units of the type appropriate to the science. When you upgrade a war science to level 2 or higher it will be needed to pay off a difference between the previous and the next levels of units of the given type that you already have (including those on march and those in Resurrector) or train. The payment can be done from any of your domains. Resources will be deducted from the domain you are in or from the domain that was selected in the drop-down list of your domains.\\
Po preučitvi 1. stopnje znanosti postane dostopna stavba, v katerem lahko urite enote glede na ustreznega znanosti vrste. Pri izboljšavi katere koli vojaške znanosti do druge in višje stopnje boste morali plačati razliko v ceni naslednje in predhodne stopnje za enote danega tipa (vključno s tistimi, ki so na poti), ki se pri vas nahajajo ali urijo. Plačilo lahko izvedete s katere koli posesti. Sredstva se bodo odštela s posesti, na kateri se nahajate ali katero ste izbrali v spustnem meniju posesti.\\
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[{Image src='scavenger.png' align='left'}] Carrier. \\
[{Image src='melee.png' align='left'}] Warrior.\\
[{Image src='cavalry.png' align='left'}] Cavalry.\\
[{Image src='flyer.png' align='left'}] Airborne.\\
[{Image src='range.png' align='left'}] Archer.\\
[{Image src='healer.png' align='left'}] Healer.\\
[{Image src='miner.png' align='left'}] Mercenary.\\
[{Image src='mage.png' align='left'}] Mage.\\
[{Image src='scavenger.png' align='left'}] Nosilec. \\
[{Image src='melee.png' align='left'}] Vojak.\\
[{Image src='cavalry.png' align='left'}] Jezdec.\\
[{Image src='flyer.png' align='left'}] Letalec.\\
[{Image src='range.png' align='left'}] Lokostrelec.\\
[{Image src='healer.png' align='left'}] Zdravilec.\\
[{Image src='miner.png' align='left'}] Najemnik.\\
[{Image src='mage.png' align='left'}] Čarovnik.\\
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\\Sciences of this purpose help at defence or allow constructing defensive buildings.\\
[{Image src='hiding_place.png' align='left' }]__Cache.__After the "Cache" science is studied you need nothing to do. Amount of resources equal to Cache capacity can’t be stolen.
Cache capacity depends on the science level and is specified inside of the Main Building, in prompting message for resources at the upper panel, and in prompting message for "Cache" science. Resources on sale at market are NOT protected by the Cache.\\
[{Image src='shelter.png' align='left' }]__Sanctuary.__ Allows hiding your troops in the Sanctuary. \\
[{Image src='tower.png' align='left'}] __Towers__. The science allows constructing the Tower building. \\
[{Image src='fortification.png' align='left'}] __Fortifications__. The science allows constructing the Fortification building.\\
[{Image src='magic_tower.png' align='left'}] __Magic Towers.__ The science allows constructing Magic Tower building.\\
[{Image src='diplomacy.png' align='left'}] __Diplomacy__. The science allows constructing the Diplomatic Corps building and to form an alliance with several players, depending on the science level.\\
[{Image src='clans.png' align='left'}] __Clans__. The science allows entering or forming a clan.\\ [{Image src='temple.png' align='left'}] __Temple.__ The science allows constructing the Temple building.\\
[{Image src='resurrector.png' align='left'}] __Resurrection.__ The science allows constructing the Ressurector building.\\
\\Te znanosti vam pomagajo, da se zaščitite ali vam omogočajo, da zgradite obrambne stavbe.\\
[{Image src='hiding_place.png' align='left' }]__Skrivališče.__Po preučitvi znanosti skrivališče ne zahteva več nobenih vaših dejanj. Načelo je enostavno: količine sredstev v zgornji vrstici, ki je enaka obsegu skrivališča, ni mogoče oropati. Obseg skrivališča je odvisen od stopnje znanosti Skrivališče in je naveden v osrednji stavbi, v namigu glede količine sredstev, ki se nahaja v zgornji vrstici in namigu glede znanosti Skrivalipče. Sredstva na trgu NISO zaščitena s skrivališčem.\\
[{Image src='shelter.png' align='left' }]__Zaklonišče.__ Omogoča, da vojsko sprejmete v zaklonišče \\
[{Image src='tower.png' align='left'}] __Stolpi__. Omogoča gradnjo stavb Stolp \\
[{Image src='fortification.png' align='left'}] __Utrdba__. Omogoča gradnjo stavbe Utrdba \\
[{Image src='magic_tower.png' align='left'}] __Čarobni stolpi.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe Čarobni stolp \\
[{Image src='diplomacy.png' align='left'}] __Diplomacija__. Omogoča gradnjo stavbe Diplomatski korpus. Omogoča sklenitve zavezništev z več igralci, odvisno od stopnje znanosti \\
[{Image src='clans.png' align='left'}] __Klani__. Omogoča vstop v klane. Omogoča ustvarjanje klana \\
[{Image src='temple.png' align='left'}] __Svetišče.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe Svetišče \\
[{Image src='resurrector.png' align='left'}] __Vstajenje.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe Vstajenec \\
[{Image src='castles.png' align='left'}]__ Klanski gradovi.__ Omogoča klanom lastiti si klanske gradove \\
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\\After studying any science from this list you will be able to construct buildings of the appropriate kind. \\
\\Po preučevanju katere koli od znanosti, navedenih spodaj, lahko zgradite stavbo ustreznega tipa.\\
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[{Image src='market.png' align='left'}] __Market.__ You will be able to construct the [Market|Market] building. Market allows trading with other Markets situated in your Kingdom or farther, depending on the science level.\\
[{Image src='merchant.png' align='left'}] __Merchantry.__ You will be able to construct the [Merchant Guild|Merch_guild] building and train Merchants there.\\
[{Image src='espionage.png' align='left'}] __ Espionage.__ You will be able to construct the [Spy Guild|Spy_guild] building and train Spies there. According to the science level you will be able to spy on other players’ cities in your Kingdom or farther.\\
[{Image src='anty_espionage.png' align='left'}] __Counterespionage.__ You will be able to construct the [Counterspy Guild| Antispy_guild] building and train Counterspies there.\\
[{Image src='observation.png' align='left'}] __Vision.__ You will be able to build [Visionary Tower |Watch_tower] and observe the other players’ missions in your Kingdom or farther.\\
[{Image src='anty_observation.png' align='left'}] __Reflection.__ You will be able to construct the [Mirror Tower|Antiwatch_tower] and train Mirrors there.\\
[{Image src='cartography.png' align='left'}] __Mapping.__ Allows constructing the [Expeditionary Corps|Exped] building. You will be able to explore squares in your Kingdom or farther depending on the science level.\\
[{Image src='colonization.png' align='left'}] __Colonisation.__ You will be able to construct the [Colonisation Centre|Colony] building and own several cities.\\
[{Image src='market.png' align='left'}] __Trg.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe Trg. Omogoča trgovanje s trgi, odvisno od stopnje znanosti, v istem kraljestvu ali v nekaj kraljestvih \\
[{Image src='merchant.png' align='left'}] __Trgovci.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Ceh trgovcev|Merch_guild]. Omogoča urjenje trgovcev.\\
[{Image src='espionage.png' align='left'}] __ Špijonaža.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Ceh vohunov|Spy_guild].Omogoča vohunjenje za tujimi posestmi v polmeru nekaj kraljestev. \\
[{Image src='anty_espionage.png' align='left'}] __Protivohunjenje.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Ceh protivohunov|Antispy_guild]. Omogoča urjenje protivohunov \\
[{Image src='observation.png' align='left'}] __Opazovanje.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Stolp prerokov|Watch_tower]. Omogoča vohunjenje za tujimi misijami v polmeru nekaj kraljestev \\
[{Image src='anty_observation.png' align='left'}] __Odsev.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Stolp zrcal|Antiwatch_tower]. Omogoča urjenje Zrcal \\
[{Image src='cartography.png' align='left'}] __Kartografija.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Ekspedicijski korpus|Exped]. Omogoča raziskovanje okolice v polmeru nekaj kraljestev. \\
[{Image src='colonization.png' align='left'}] __Kolonizacija.__ Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Center kolonizacije|Colony]. Omogoča vladanje nekaj mestom \\
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\\Provide extra facilities and advantages.\\
[{Image src='storehouse_improvement.png' align='left'}]__Warehouse Extension.__ Capacity of the Warehouse increases. \\
[{Image src='building_on_resources.png' align='left'}]__Land Management.__ Allows constructing any buildings on deposit cells.\\
!Capital Transfer
[{Image src='capital.png' align='left'}] In order to transfer the Capital you need to study the science and it will become “charged”. After that, click the icon of the “charged” science and in the pop-up box choose the city you want to become the Capital. When done, the Capital will be transferred to the specified city. The city level can be any, even first, but after the Capital transfer there will be 51 cells available in the city as it is supposed for the Capital. Maximum level of the Main Building will stay the same as it was before the transfer. In other words, you can get 51 cells in city with the Main Building of level 2, for example.\\
If you transfer the Capital from the initial city, 43 cells will remain there. If you transfer the Capital not from initial city, the primary number of cells will revert as it was before the city became Capital.\\
Buildings that have been constructed on odd cells in former capital will be removed. If in the former Capital you had buildings that are to be constructed in the Capital only (for example, the Diplomatic Corps) those buildings will collapse; you will be able to construct them again in the new Capital.\\
Army of the Ancients will stay in the city where they stood regardless of the Capital transfer.\\
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\\Omogočajo dodatna udobja ali prednosti.\\
[{Image src='storehouse_improvement.png' align='left'}]__Povečanje skladišč.__ Povečanje kapacitet skladišč \\
[{Image src='building_on_resources.png' align='left'}]__Upravljanje ozemelj.__ Omogoča gradnjo kakršnih koli stavb na celicah s sredstvi \\
!Prenos prestolnice
[{Image src='capital.png' align='left'}] Za prenos prestolnice morate preučiti znanost in znanost se polni. Nato kliknete na napolnjeno znanost in v seznamu, ki se prikaže izberete mesto, v katerega želite prenesti prestolnico. S tem je prestolnica prenesena v drugo mesto. To mesto je lahko katere koli stopnje, tudi prve. Pri prenosu prestolnice vanj bo 51 celic postalo razpoložljivih za prestolnico. Maksimalna stopnja CZ se ne spremeni in ostane ista, kot je bila pred prenosom. Torej je lahko v mestu CZ 2. stopnje 51 celic.\\
Če prenašate prestolnico iz začetnega mesta, bo v njem ostalo 43 celic, če pa ne iz začetnega pa se vrne prvotno število celic, kolikor jih je bilo pred prestolnico.\\
Stavbe z odvečnih celic v stari prestolnici bodo izbrisane. Če ste imeli v stari prestolnici zgradbe, ki so predvidene le za gradnjo v prestolnici, se porušijo (npr. Diplomatski korpus) in jih lahko zgradite v novi prestolnici.\\
Če je bila vojska Starodavnih v prejšnji prestolnici, bo tam tudi ostala. \\
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[{Image src='treasury.png' align='left'}] __ Exchequer __. Reduces troops salary.\\
[{Image src='add_cell.png' align='left'}] __City Expansion.__ Each time, the science expands boundaries of the chosen city by 1 cell, but the limit is 43 cells in a city. The Main Building level doesn't change after Science studying increased the amount of cells in the city.\\
In order to expand city by 1 cell you need to study the science and it will become “charged”. After that, click the icon of the "charged" science and in the pop-up box choose the city you want to expand. That moment a cell will be added inside of the specified city.\\
You can repeat the process as many times as many additional cells you want, up to the limit though. The science requires 25,000 of Science Points to get studied and "charged".\\
[{Image src='treasury.png' align='left'}] __Zakladnica__. Zmanjšuje osnovno plačilo vojske. \\
[{Image src='add_cell.png' align='left'}] __Širitev mesta.__ Širi meje izbranega mesta za 1 celico, vendar ne več kot za 43 celic v mestu. Stopnja Osrednje stavbe se ne spreminja po povečanju števila celic v mestu s pomočjo znanosti.\\
Za širitev katerega koli mesta za 1 celico morate preučevati znanost, ki postane napolnjena. Zatem kliknite na napolnjeno znanost in v seznamu, ki se je izpisal, izberite mesto, v katerem se bo zgodila širitev. V tem mestu je zatem znotraj mestnega obzidja dodana celica.\\
Po želji lahko dano operacijo ponavljate tolikokrat, kolikor celic želite dodati. Vsaka stane 25 000 znanosti.\\
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[{Image src='labour_service.png' align='left'}] __Production Technology__. The science increases all resources production by certain %.\\
[{Image src='military_service.png' align='left'}] __Military Drill__. The science accelerates units training by certain %.\\
[{Image src='labour_service.png' align='left'}] __Tehnologija pridobivanja __. Povečuje pridobivanje vseh stavb, v katerih se pridobivajo sredstva za določen %.\\
[{Image src='military_service.png' align='left'}] __Priprava vojske__. Povečuje hitrost urjenja vseh enot za določen %.\\
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[{Image src='heroes.png' align='left'}] __Znanost Upravljanje junakov__
Omogoča najemanje junakov in razvijanje le-teh do 12. stopnje. Višje je stopnja znanosti, več junakov ima lahko igralec.
Število slotov za junaka v zaklonišču je enako številu možnih najemnikov v skladu z znanostjo Upravljanje junakov. \\
[{Image src='heroes_skill.png' align='left'}] __Znanost Mojstrstvo junakov__
Maksimalna stopnja junaka je odvisna od znanosti Mojstrstvo junakov. Brez preučevanja dane znanosti ima junak lahko največ 12. stopnjo.
Po doseganju maksimalne stopnje v skladu z znanostjo se izkušnje prenehajo povečevati. \\
[{Image src='prison.png' align='left'}] __Znanost Ujetništvo junakov__
Omogoča gradnjo stavbe [Ječa|Prison]. \\
[{Image src='camps.png' align='left'}] __Znanost Tabor__
Znanost Tabor omogoča junaku postavitev [tabora|Camp]. Torej, odpraviti junaka v misijo Ustvari tabor.
S stopnjo znanosti raste število taborov, ki jih ima lahko igralec istočasno.\\
[{Image src='alchemy.png' align='left'}] __Znanost Alkemija__\\
1. Allows to make buildings and artifacts [perfect|Alchemy]\\
2. Allows to rob magic [Crystals|Alchemy] and [Runes|Alchemy]\\
3. Allows to perform funic [Rituals|Alchemy]\\
4. Allows to rob magic [Recipes|Alchemy].\\
[{Image src='YSKOR_OBU4ENIE.png' align='left'}] __Accelerated Studying.__ Increases the experience gained by the heroes in battle..\\
[{Image src='coommander_nayka.png' align='left'}] __Hero Commander.__ Allows you to hire a certain number of heroes of the Commander class in the Tavern. Changes the parameters of science "Heroes Managing" by +1, but no more than 7.\\
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Science Points can be re-directed for studying other science. If there are more Science Points than needed for studying new science – the surplus will be lost.\\
Enote znanosti v procesu preučevanja lahko premestite na drugo znanost. Ostanek, ki presega osnovno preučevanje, se izgubi.\\