V igri My Lands obstaja valuta:
- znotraj igralna valuta Črni biser(ČB), ki je razporejena po strežnikih.

After a trial period, the player receives a notification of the minimal mandatory payment of 100 BG. To make a mandatory payment, you should use one of the available payment methods in the mandatory payment notification window. If the available payment methods are not suitable for you, you can transfer 100 BG to the server in any other way (including a gift from another player). The system will consider such a payment as mandatory, withdraw the BG from your account and you can continue the game.

ATTENTION! The mandatory payment is not credited to your account as Black Gems!

Nakazilo denarja#

Ko ste vpisani v igro, v vrstici s sredstvi kliknite na podobo ČB ali število količine ČB.
V oknu, ki se vam odpre, izberete način plačila:

Opomba: V okno izbire načina plačila lahko vstopite tudi na drug način.

Finančni račun#

Tok sredstev na računu in njegovo stanje lahko vidite s klikom na "Finančni račun" v oknu za izbiro strežnika

Adding Black Gems to server#

You can always add BG from the Portal to any server.

Pogoste napake pri plačilu.#