This page (revision-28) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:58 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:48 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
28 26-Apr-2021 10:58 2 KB Administrator to previous
27 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
26 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitsParametrs ==> UnitsParameters
25 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitParametrs ==> UnitsParametrs
24 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 26-Apr-2021 10:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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There are 8 types of units for each race.
Monsters – are a special NPC race.\\
Vsaka rasa ima 8 vrst vojsk. Obstaja pa tudi posebna rasa - Pošasti.\\
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__1. How to train troops__\\
__1. Kako uriti vojsko__\\
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For each type of units training the appropriate war [science|ScienceDescription] has to be studied.\\
After the science has been studied training (Military) [building|Buildings] can be constructed. After the buildings have been constructed certain type units can be trained there.\\
Za vsako vrsto vojske je potrebno usvojiti ustrezno vojaško [znanost|ScienceDescription].\\
Po preučevanju znanosti lahko gradite vojaške [stavbe|Buildings] in v njih urite svoje enote.\\
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Trained units get to the __ Garrison __ and defend your City. If there is danger you can hide troops to the __Sanctuary__ (if the "Sanctuary" science has been studied). Troops in the Sanctuary do not fight.\\
Vojska po urjenju pride v __garnizijo __in predstavlja obrambo vašega mesta. V primeru nevarnosti lahko vojsko skrijete v __Zaklonišče__, če ste preučili ustrezno znanost. Vojska, ki je v zaklonišču, se ne udeleži spopadov.\\
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[{Image src='VOJSKO.jpg' align='center' }]
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Troops in Garrison and in Sanctuary consume __salary __ in Gold. Enter the [Main Building|Buildings] to see how much the salary is. If there is not enough Gold for keeping troops in a City, units begin to gradually __desert__.\\
0.5% of units (0.005 units) that can’t be supplied with salary desert per hour .\\
If you have 1 unit and no Gold in a Pit, the unit will desert after 200 hours.\\
Vojska v garniziji in Zaklonišču rabi __Plačilo __v zlatu. Višino plačila lahko pogledate v [Osrednji stavbi|Buildings]. Če zlata na posesti ni dovolj, začne vojska postopno __dezertirati__.\\
Na uro dezertira 0,5 % enot, za katere je zmanjkalo plačil (0,005 enot).\\
Če se pri vas v Rudniku nahaja 1 enota in ni zlata, bo enota hotela dezertirati šele čez 200 ur.\\
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__When sending troops__ in combat or non-combat mission the troops will take double salary (for round trip).\\
Coefficient of mission speed is also taken into account.\\
For Slow Speed coefficient is 1\\
For Normal – 1.25\\
For Accelerated – 1.5\\
For Fast – 2\\
__Pri odpravi vojske__ v vojaško ali nevojaško misijo, vojska s seboj vzame dvojno vsoto plačila (za pot tja in nazaj).\\
Prav tako se upošteva koeficient hitrosti misije.\\
Za nižjo hitrost - 1\\
Za navadno hitrost - 1,25\\
Za pospešeno hitrost - 1,5\\
Za visoko hitrost - 2 \\
At line 24 changed 2 lines
If 465 Carriers with salary 0.1 Gold per hour (0.1/3600 per second) go out for a mission 1:04:44 (3884 seconds) by duration, the formula of salary they are to take will look like this:
PRIMER: Če imamo 465 nosilcev s plačilom 0,1 na uro (0,1/3600 na sekundo), ki grejo v misijo dolgo 1:04:44 (3884 sekund) z visoko hitrostjo, je formula za plačilo, ki ga vzamejo s seboj, sledeča:
At line 29 changed 5 lines
__Army Automatic Training__\\
Service of Army Automatic Training can be received as reward for quest.\\
If you apply this service, the button "Start Automatic Training" will appear in training buildings.\\
When the queue of training gets empty, the queue will be automatically filled to limit if there is enough people and resources.\\
__Samodejno naročilo vojske.__\\
Storitev samodejnega naročila vojske lahko dobite kot nagrado za nalogo.\\
Pri aktivaciji dane storitve v vojaških stavbah se pojavi gumb "Vklopi samodejno naročilo". \\
Vrsta za naročilo enot se izpolnjuje za maksimum, če je na posesti dovolj sredstev in prebivalstva. \\
Ko se vrsta za ustvaritev izprazni, se vrsta za naročilo ponovno maksimalno zapolni. \\
At line 36 changed 4 lines
__Army Accelerated Training__\\
Service of Army Accelerated Training can be received as reward for quest.\\
Maximal value of the accelerating is 90%. Bonus above this value will be cut; in such case the percents will be written in yellow.\\
[{Image src='unit_time_limit.jpg' align='center' }]
__Pospešenje ustvaritve enot__\\
Storitve pospešenja urjenja enot lahko dobite za nalogo.\\
Maksimalna vrednost pospešenja urjenja enot = 90 %, kar pa presega to število se bonusi zmanjšajo. Pri tem postane številka, ki prikazuje hitrost, rumene barve.\\
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[2. Units Description|UnitDescription]\\
[2. Naziv enot|UnitDescription]\\
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[3. Units Parameters|UnitsParametrs]\\
[3. Parametri enot|UnitParametrs]\\