This page (revision-11) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:59 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:45 by UnknownAuthor

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
11 26-Apr-2021 10:59 7 KB Administrator to previous
10 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
9 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
7 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 26-Apr-2021 10:45 7 KB UnknownAuthor to last

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At line 134 changed 9 lines
__Za rudniški strežnik__ je maksimalno mogoče zmanjšanje __plačila __vojske 96 %:\\
Za 80 % se lahko s pomočjo znanosti zakladnice zmanjša osnovno plačilo.\\
Preostalih 20 % je mogoče zmanjšati še za 80 % s pomočjo različnih artefaktov in urokov. To pomeni še dodatnih 16 %.\\
Skupaj minus za plačilo: (-80%)+(-16%) = -96%\\
__Primer__: \\
Recimo, da je plačilo za vso vojsko 20000 zlata na uro. S pomočjo znanosti zakladnice, preučene do 9. stopnje se osnovno plačilo zmanjša za 80 %. 20000-80% = 4000.\\
Že s pomočjo artefaktov, sposobnosti in urokov se lahko osnovno plačilo zmanjša za še 80 %. V tem primeru: 4000-80% = 800.\\
Tako v vsoti dobimo maksimalno mogoče znižanje plačila vojske za 96 %, torej 800 zlata na uro, namesto 20000\\
The maximum possible reduction of __ the army's salary __ is approximately -99,74%: \\
By 96%, the remaining salary can be reduced with the help of the Exchequer science. \\
The remaining 4% can be further reduced by another 80% with various artefacts and spells. It turns out another -3.2%. \\
Additionally the remaining salary can be reduced by another 67% with the help of Ancient Magic, another -0,54%. \\
Total minus to salary: (-96%)+(-3.2%)+(-0,54%) = -99,74% \\
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__Za bojevniški strežnik__ je maksimalno mogoče zmanjšanje__ plačila__ za vojsko 91 %:\\
Za 55 % se lahko zmanjša osnovno plačilo s pomočjo znanosti zakladnice.\\
Preostalih 45 % je mogoče zmanjšati za še 80 % s pomočjo različnih artefaktov in urokov. To pomeni še dodatnih 36 %.\\ Skupaj minus za plačilo: (-55%)+(-36%) = -91%
__Example__: \\
Let's say the salary of the whole army is 20,000 gold per hour. With the help of the Exchequer science, studied to level 20, the basic salary is reduced by 96%. 20000-96% (19200) = 800 \\
And already with the help of artefacts, skills and spells, you can lower the main salary by another 80%. In this case, 800-80%(640)=160. \\
With the Ancient Magic the remaining amount 160 decreases by another 67%. 160-67%(107)=53.\\
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Thus, in total we get the maximum possible reduction in army salaries by 99,74% - 53 gold per hour instead of 20,000 \\
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