This page (revision-16) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:54 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:48 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 26-Apr-2021 10:54 9 KB Administrator to previous
15 26-Apr-2021 10:48 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
14 26-Apr-2021 10:48 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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12 26-Apr-2021 10:48 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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You can see information on Tournaments in the "Tournaments" tab of the "__Quests __" Window. \\
All players who have studied the "Mapping" [science|ScienceDescription] will be permitted to participate. \\
Informacije o poteku turnirjev si lahko pogledate v zavihku __Svetovalca__"Turnirji". \\
Udeležijo se jih lahko vsi igralci, ki so preučili [znanost|ScienceDescription] Kartografija.\\
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In __the "Flags Hunting" tournament __ the purpose of each participant is to collect as many complete sets of Flags as possible. \\
V __turnirju "Zbiranje zastav"__ je cilj vsakega udeleženca
zbrati kar največjo količino kompletov zastav. \\
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|Flags Set| [{Image src='flag_all.png' align='center' }]
|Komplet zastav| [{Image src='flag_all.png' align='center' }]
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There are Flags of three colours: red, green and blue. \\
The Flags can be found by Explorers. After a Flag has been found it is kept in the Main Building of the domain the Explorer was sent from. \\
Several Flags of the same colour can be kept in the same domain.\\
Other players can be robbed of their Flags. It is possible to steal only one Flag in course of one attack.\\
Obstajajo zastave treh barv: rdeče, zelene in modre. \\
Zastave lahko najdejo raziskovalci. Zastave niso pritrjene na celice v kraljestvu, ampak se nahajajo z določeno verjetnostjo v trenutku, ko je raziskovalec prispel do neke celice.\\
Zastave se hranijo v osrednji stavbi posesti. \\
Nekaj zastav iste barve se nahaja na eni in isti posesti.\\
Prav tako lahko zastave ropate pri drugih igralcih. V enem napadu lahko oropate le eno zastavo. \\
Če ima zaščitnik le eno zastavo, jo pri skupnem napadu dobi iniciator napada.\\
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| Blue | Red | Green
| Modra| Rdeča | Zelena
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Complete set is three Flags of different colours.\\
Complete Flags Set cannot be stolen. \\
A tournament is over when any player collects 10 sets of Flags. Prizes \\
are distributed according to the amount of collected Flags Sets. In case if several players have equal amount of sets, the one who collected the number of sets faster - is the winner.\\
you can see the progress of the Flags hunting in the "Tournaments" tab of the “__Ratings __” Window.\\
Tri zastave različnih barv sestavljajo poln komplet. \\
Zbrani kompleti zastav se ne ropajo. \\
Turnir se konča 10. dne po začetku, ne glede na število zbranih kompletov. Nagradna mesta \\
se dodelijo glede na število zbranih kompletov, v primeru enakega števila pa glede na to, kdo jih je prej zbral.\\
Napredek zbranih kompletov si lahko pogledate v zavihku __Ratinga__"Turnirji".\\
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__Prizes for collected flags:__ \\
__Nagrade za zbrane zastave:__ \\
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__1 place__ - level 4 Artefact, \\
__2-6 places__ - level 3 Artefacts, \\
__7-26 places__ - level 2 Artefacts, \\
__27-100 places__ - level 1 Artefacts.\\
All players, who will collected at least __one Flags Set__ and will not be included in the 100 places, will get a comforting prize which is a level 3 Scroll.\\
All players, who will get an Artefact, also get a __medal __for the victory in the “Flags Hunting” tournament. \\
__1. mesto__ - artefakt 4. stopnje, \\
__2.-6. mesto__ - artefakti 3. stopnje, \\
__7.-26. mesto__ - artefakti 2. stopnje, \\
__27.-100. mesto__ - artefakti 1. stopnje.\\
Vsi igralci, ki so zbrali vsaj __en komplet__, vendar niso bili med prvimi stotimi, prejmejo tolažilno nagrado – zvitek 3. stopnje.\\
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In order to receive the Artefact a player should build the “Vault” [building|Artefact_store], then go to the "Tournaments" tab in the "Quests" Window and click the "Get Reward" button.\\
Igralci, ki so zasedli 1.-100. mesto, prav tako prejmejo __odličje__za zmago na Turnirju »Zbiranje zastav«. Pri ponovni zmagi, če ste si znova prislužili odličje, se na njem pojavi cifra, ki označuje število zmag. Odličje se preda takoj po koncu turnirja, ne glede na to, ali je igralec prevzel nagrado ali ne.\\
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__Tournament Services__ (Tournament Assistance), \\
except for "Send monsters from Ruins", are available for purchasing during 24 hours. \\
All purchased services will be active till the end of the Tournament. \\
It is possible to send Monsters only once during the Tournament. \\
If you purchase the "Army of the Ancients summon for Flags protection" service, the Ancients will arrive to protect every your \\
city where a flag appears. The Ancients will stay at your assistance till the end of the Tournament.\\
When another Flag appears in the same city, another Army of the Ancients will not come.\\
Da bi prevzel nagrado za turnir (artefakt ali zvitek), mora igralec zgraditi [stavbo|Artefact_store] "Zakladnica", nato vstopiti v zavihek Svetovalca "Turnirji" in klikniti na gumb "Prevzami nagrado".\\
__Turnirske storitve __ (Pomoč na turnirju) so, razen »Pošlji pošasti iz ruševin«, za naročilo dostopne 24 ur. \\
Vse naročene storitve so veljavne do konca turnirja. \\
Med turnirjem lahko le enkrat odpošljete pošasti. \\
Ob naročilu storitve »Prikliči starodavne za zaščito zastav v mestih« bo vojska starodavnih šla v zaščito vsakega vašega mesta v trenutku, ko se v njem pojavi zastava, in bo tam ostala do konca turnirja.\\
Ob pojavu naslednje zastave v istem mestu se starodavni tja ne vrnejo.\\
__Verjetnosti najdbe zastav:__\\
Standardna: 0,07%\\
S storitvijo "Povečaj verjetnost najdbe zastave s strani raziskovalcev": 0,21%\\
Prva dva dni se naključna 1 barva ne odkrije.\\
Nadalje se vse barve odkrivajo z enako verjetnostjo.\\