This page (revision-2) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:36 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:42 by Administrator

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2 26-Apr-2021 10:36 1 KB Administrator to previous
1 26-Apr-2021 10:42 1 KB Administrator to last

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__Stonehenge__ is a special kind of monsters' domains where magical [Runes|Alchemy] are kept hidden away. \\
These domains appear on the kingdom map randomly. Only Suzerains can find them with the help of explorers.\\
__ Stounhendž __ - to je posebna vrsta posesti pošasti, kjer so skrite čarobne [Rune|Alchemy]. \\
Te posesti se samovoljno pojavljajo na svetovnem zemljevidu pa jih lahko najdejo le Vrhovni Vladarji s pomočjo raziskovalcev. \\
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In the garrison of each such domain there’s an army of monsters with a monster hero. When a new Stonehenge appears on the map, one of the 9 possible runes is generated at random in his hero’s bag. In case of a successful attack mission on a Stonehenge the initiator of the mission takes the rune provided that he has previously studied [Alchemy|Alchemy] to lvl 2 and his hero has a at least one spare slot in his bag. The life span of a Stonehenge is __72 hours__ or until it is destroyed.\\
V garniziji posesti se nahaja armada pošasti na čelu z junakom-pošasti. V času nastajanja novega Stounhendža se v torbi njegovega junaka-pošasti na naključen način generira ena od 9 verjetnih run. Med uspešnim napadom na Stounhendž pobudnik misije odvzame runo, če je pri njemu preučena znanost [Alkemija|Alchemy] druge stopnje pa v torbi junaka je na voljo vsaj en prost slot. Življenska doba Stounhendža znaša__72 ur__ ali do uničenja.\\
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When an attack mission is sent to a Stonehenge, hero monsters from the nearest Stonehenges can bring their armies as assistance. Bear in mind that the garrison in the Stonehenge where the assistance mission came from stays unchanged. The number of outgoing assistance missions in a Stonehenge __is unlimited __, the number of those incoming __is limited by 2 __. \\
V času pošiljanja napada na Stounhendž mu lahko prispevajo na pomoč armade z junaki iz bližnjih Stounhendžev. Ob tem pa garnizija na posesti, odkod je šla pomoč, ostane nespremenjena. Število odhodnih ojačitev na Stounhendžu __ni omejeno__, število vstopajočih - __ne več kot 2__. \\
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