This page (revision-36) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:58 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:40 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
36 26-Apr-2021 10:58 3 KB Administrator to previous
35 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
34 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
33 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
32 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
31 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
30 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
29 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
28 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
27 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
26 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last BlackPearl ==> BlackGem
22 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Sectors ==> Villages
21 26-Apr-2021 10:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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In order to study __sciences__ it is needed to:\\
- construct at least one Alchemist Lab [building|Buildings];\\
- choose science to be studied in the Science Window. \\
Za preučevanje __znanosti__ je potrebno:\\
- zgraditi stavbo ali nekaj [stavb|Buildings] Laboratorij alkemista \\
- v oknu znanosti izberite znanost, ki jo boste preučevali \\
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!Okno znanosti
[{Image src='button_science.png' align='left' }] V okno znanosti lahko vstopite s klikom na gumb Znanost. \\
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!Science Window
[{Image src='button_science.png' align='left' }] Click the “Science” button at the bottom left in order to enter the Science Window.\\
[{Image src='button_science_red.png' align='left' }] Če znanosti ne preučujete (je niste izbrali ali pa nimate znanstvenikov), se gumb obarva rdeče. \\
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[{Image src='button_science_red.png' align='left' }] The button will turn red if no science is studied (for example, no science was chosen or there are no Alchemists in your domains).\\
!Alchemists need your assistance
[{Image src='button_science_green.png' align='left' }]If any science requires your confirmation on completion of the process, the button will shine green. In such case you should enter the Science Window and click the science spotted green. Information on what’s needed for the science to take effect will be written in the pop-up box.\\
__EXAMPLE__: Your Alchemists have studied the __"Warrior"__ science to level 2. \\
This science studying allows training level 2 Warriors who have improved characteristics but also higher cost of training.\\
Firstly, all the Warriors of level 1 that you have, must be upgraded to the level 2 and the cost of their upgrade must be paid. Alchemists can’t do this without your interference. \\
__Your assistance to Alchemists consists of the following: __enter the Science Window, click the spotted science and agree to pay for specified amount of resources. Units upgrade in a moment.\\
Cost of upgrade depends on Warriors quantity – the more Warriors you already have the higher cost of their upgrade will be. All Warriors in __all__ your domains, missions, training buildings and Resurrectors will be considered at the upgrade cost. If you don’t have any Warriors the upgrade will cost nothing. \\
!Znanstveniki potrebujejo vašo pomoč
[{Image src='button_science_green.png' align='left' }]Če katera koli znanost zahteva za dokončanje procesa vašo pomoč, se gumb obarva zeleno. V tem primeru morate vstopiti v okno znanosti, najti znanost, obarvano zeleno, in klikniti nanjo. Odpre se okno, v katerem bo napisano, kaj se zahteva za zaključek preučevanja znanosti.\\
__PRIMER: Vaši znanstveniki so preučili znanost _Vojak_ do 2. stopnje.__\\
Ta znanost vam omogoča, da urite vojake 2. Stopnje, ki imajo izboljšane karakteristike in dražje urjenje. \\
Vendar morate pred tem izboljšati vojake predhodne stopnje, ki so vam podrejeni, in sicer preden vstopijo v naslednjo stopnjo, in plačati izboljšave. Znanstveniki brez vas ne morejo izvesti danega dejanja. \\
__Za pomoč znanstvenikom morate:__ vstopiti v okno znanosti tako, da kliknete na ikono utripajoče znanosti, se strinjati, da boste plačali predlagano izračunano količino sredstev in izboljšava se izvede takoj.\\
Cena izboljšav je odvisna od števila vojakov, ki so vam podrejeni – več je vojakov, višja bo cena izboljšav. Pri izboljšavah se upošteva število vojakov v __vseh__ vaših mestih, v vseh misijah, naročeni v vseh stavbah in vojska v oživljanju. Če nimate vojakov, bo cena izboljšav nič.\\
At line 22 changed 2 lines
The cost of upgrade will be taken from warehouses of the __domain__ that was chosen in the drop-down list of domains. If you have chosen a domain where resources are not enough for the upgrade, try to choose another domain and perform upgrade from there. If you, on the whole, don’t have enough resources for the upgrade, you can upgrade units later. In this case you won’t be able to study __this__ science to next level until the upgrade is completed. You can have several _different_ sciences waiting for your acceptance.\\
You can also reduce the cost of upgrade by getting rid of a portion of units you wish to upgrade.\\
Cena izboljšav bo odpisana s skladišč tiste __posesti__, ki je bila izbrana v padajočem meniju posesti v trenutku potrditve. Če se nahajate v mestu z za izboljšanje nezadostno količino sredstev, skušajte prestopiti v drugo mesto in izvesti izboljšave od tam.
Če trenutno nimate potrebne količine sredstev za plačilo, lahko vojsko izboljšate pozneje. V tem primeru ne morete preučevati naslednje stopnje __te__ znanosti, dokler ne opravite izboljšave. Vendar lahko imate na čakanju za potrditev nekaj _različnih_ znanosti. \\
Prav tako lahko zmanjšate ceno izboljšave tako, da uničite del vojske tiste vrste, ki jo izboljšujete.\\
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!Science Points production rate
!Hitrost pridobivanja znanosti
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__Science Points__ are produced by Alchemist Labs from all domains, that is, the science is a common resource for all domains. The more Labs are constructed the faster sciences are studying. \\
__Enote znanosti __ se pridobivajo iz Laboratorija alkemista na vseh posestih, tj. znanost je skupno sredstvo vseh posesti. Več je stavb, hitrejše je preučevanje znanosti.\\
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Science studying rate can be affected by:
*[Village|Sectors] Bonus that can be seen inside of the Alchemist Labs. The bonus affects each Lab separately. [{Image src='poselok.jpg' align='center' }]
*[Ancient Magic|BlackPearl] Bonus that can also be seen inside of the Alchemist Labs. The bonus affects each Lab separately. If the bonus is active, the icon for the service order, which is near the rate of science production, will be spotted green.
[{Image src='BonusChZh.jpg' align='center' }]
Also, the message "The Ancient Magic is active" will be written in the Science Window.\\
Note: as Village and Ancient Magic Bonuses affect each Lab separately, it’s WRONG to sum science production rates of all Labs up and then multiply by bonus. Science production rate is multiplied by bonus first, then rounded off, and then – all the values are summed.\\
[{Image src='q2.jpg' align='center' }]
*Quest Bonus, that is - reward. This kind of bonus can be seen in the Science Window. It is added to the total sum of science production.
[{Image src='q1.jpg' align='center' }]
Na hitrost pridobivanja znanosti lahko vpliva:
*Bonus [naselja|Sectors], ki ga lahko pogledate v alkemistovem laboratoriju. Uporablja se za vsako stavbo posebej.[{Image src='laboratorij alkemista2.png' align='center' }]
*Bonus [Starodavne čarovnije|BlackPearl], katerega lahko prav tako vidite v Laboratoriju alkemista. Uporablja se za vsako stavbo posebej. Če je bonus veljaven, se ikona naročila storitve poleg hitrosti pridobivanja obarva zeleno.
[{Image src='laboratorij alkemista3.png' align='center' }]
V oknu znanosti bo preprosto napisano "Starodavna čarovnija je aktivna ". \\
Opomba: Ker se bonus naselja in Starodavne čarovnije uporablja za vsako stavbo (hitrost pridobivanja stavbe se pomnoži za bonus in zaokroži na celo številko), NI MOGOČE sešteti hitrost pridobivanja vsake stavbe in jo pomnožiti z bonusom – številke ne sovpadajo.\\
[{Image src='charovnija.png' align='center' }]
*Bonus za nalogo – nagrada. Tedaj jo lahko vidite v oknu znanosti. Doda se skupni vsoti.
[{Image src='NAGRADA.png' align='center' }]
At line 44 changed 2 lines
[Science|ScienceDescription] and [Specialisation|Spec] description.
[Opis znanosti|ScienceDescription] in [Specializacij|Spec].