This page (revision-25) was last changed on 27-Jan-2022 21:01 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:44 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
25 27-Jan-2022 21:01 1 KB Administrator to previous
24 27-Jan-2022 20:58 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 26-Apr-2021 10:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitsParametrs ==> UnitsParameters
22 26-Apr-2021 10:44 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitParametrs ==> UnitsParametrs
21 26-Apr-2021 10:44 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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At line 1 changed one line
__Slave Dwelling__/ Dwarf Cave / Marauder Cage / Blacksmith
__Hiša vazalov__/ Jama gnomov/ Kletka plenilcev/ Kovačnica/ Ghoul Lair
At line 3 removed one line
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[{Image src='unscavenger.png' align='left' }]
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||Raven||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Omejitev naročila||Čas vaj\\1 enote, min.||Kristali
| 1| 500| 1000| 0| 0| 0| 30|20|
| 2| 2000| 2000| 1200| 0| 0| 45|18|
| 3| 3000| 4000| 2400| 150| 0| 65|16|
| 4| 4000| 8000| 6000| 3000| 0| 100|14|
| 5| 5000| 16000| 12000| 5000| 0| 150|12|
| 6| 6000| 32000| 18000| 7000| 0| 200|10|
| 7| 7000| 64000| 25000| 8000| 0| 300|8|
| \\8|\\70 000|\\640 000 |\\250 000 |\\160 000 | \\0|\\540|\\6| [{Image src='red_crystal.png' align='left'}][{Image src='red_crystal.png' align='left'}][{Image src='green_crystal.png' align='left'}][{Image src='blue_crystal.png' align='left'}]
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||Level||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]|| Queue limit ||One unit training\\ time, minutes
| 1| 500| 1000| 0| 0| 0| 30|20
| 2| 2000| 2000| 1200| 0| 0| 45|18
| 3| 3000| 4000| 2400| 0| 0| 65|16
| 4| 4000| 8000| 6000| 3000| 0| 100|14
| 5| 5000| 16000| 12000| 5000| 0| 150|12
| 6| 6000| 32000| 18000| 7000| 0| 200|10
| 7| 7000| 64000| 25000| 8000| 0| 300|8
V stavbi lahko vadite bojne enote - [Nosilcev|UnitParametrs].\\
Za to morate vstopiti v stavbo, izbrati število nosilcev, ki jih želite izuriti, in klikniti na gumb Naroči. S poviševanjem ravni stavbe se povečuje maksimalno število nosilcev v vrsti za urjenje, poveča pa se tudi hitrost urjenja danih igralcev.\\
At line 19 changed 6 lines
Combat units – the [Carriers|UnitParametrs] – can be trained in the building. \\
Enter the building, choose quantity of Carriers to be trained and click the "Train" button. As level of the building upgrades, the queue and speed of training grow.
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