This page (revision-30) was last changed on 27-Jan-2022 10:10 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:46 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
30 27-Jan-2022 10:10 2 KB Administrator to previous
29 26-Apr-2021 10:58 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
28 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitsParametrs ==> UnitsParameters
27 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitParametrs ==> UnitsParametrs
26 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Фракции ==> Fraction
22 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Расы ==> Race
21 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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__Races features:__\\
__Posebnosti ras:__\\
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[{Image src='demon.png' align='left'}] __Demons__ are cold-blooded creatures of darkness. They dwell in the Deadlands –lifeless scorched territories around volcanoes, where they’ve learnt to [mine Stone|Mine_stone] very quickly, compared to other races. Demons have united different warriors of darkness under their flags – Dragons, Skeletons, Leeches, but their most outstanding warrior is the mercenary [Demonesse |UnitParametrs]. She has the most of attack points among the other races’ mercenaries. Being in [deal|Fraction] with Dark Elves, Demons accumulate forces in order to seize power in the Empire once for all. \\
[{Image src='demon.png' align='left'}] __Demoni __ so surova in hladnokrvna bitja teme. Živijo v Mrtvi Zemlji, pustih pepeliščih vulkanov, kjer so se naučili hitreje kot druge rase [pridobivati kamen|Mine_stone]. Demoni so se združili pod enim praporom različnih vojščakov Teme – zmajev, skeletov, pijavk, najboljši vojščak med njimi pa je [najemnik Demonka|UnitParametrs]. Ima najmočnejši napad med najemniki drugih ras. V [dogovoru|Fraction] s Temnimi škrati si nabira moči, da bi enkrat za vselej prevzela oblast nad Imperijem. \\
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[{Image src='drow.png' align='left'}] __Dark Elves__. In ancient times some part of Elves were exiled to the caves of the Cursed Woods. They have adapted to the darkness, mutated and took the cave dwellers as servants. As a result the new race emerged. The Dark Elves produce [Wood|Samwill] and [Iron|Mine_iron] well. And their combat [Mages|UnitParametrs] are the best units to oppose enemy Towers during their attacks. Besides, their Mages [train faster|Mage_build]. Dark Elves are in deal with Demons.\\
[{Image src='drow.png' align='left'}] __Temni škrati__. Del škratov je bil v pradavnih časih izgnan iz podzemlja Prekletih gozdov. Navadili so se na temo, se spremenili in si podredili prebivalce podzemelj. Tako se je pojavila nova rasa. Temni škrati dobro [pridobivajo les|Samwill] in [železo|Mine_iron]. Njihovi bojevni [Čarovniki|UnitParametrs] pa so dosegli v svoji umetnosti takšno umelost, da se pri napadu na posesti najbolje od vseh odrežejo v boju proti nasprotnikovim stolpom. Prav tako se njihovi čarovniki [urijo hitreje|Mage_build]. So v [zavezništvu|Fraction] z Demoni.\\
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[{Image src='elf.png' align='left'}] A peaceful race of __Elves__ chose the fabulous Magic Woods with high waterfalls as the place to live in. This race has the greatest rate of [Wood production|Samwill]. And, of course, the tales about miraculous deeds of the Elven [Healers|UnitParametrs] have spread far beyond the boundaries of their lands. Elves have [friendly|Fraction] relations with Knights. \\
[{Image src='elf.png' align='left'}] Miroljubna rasa __Škratov__ je izbrala za svoj kraj prebivanja pravljično čarobne gozdove z visokimi slapovi. Če ta rasa nima pomanjkanja, ga nima pri gradbenih materialih, saj imajo največjo stopnjo [pridobivanja lesa|Samwill]. In seveda legende o čudežnih zdravilskih sposobnostih škratjih [zdravilcev|UnitParametrs] poznajo izven meja njihovih ozemelj. So v [prijateljskih|Fraction] odnosih z Vitezi. \\
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[{Image src='human.png' align='left'}] Legends are being told about bravery of the __Knights__ race, but nothing will compare to the number of legends about their passion for gold. The Knights have the highest [Gold production efficiency |Shop] and the greatest capacity of the [Carriers' backpacks|UnitParametrs] among other races. In order to store their teeming treasures they build the [Warehouses|Warehouse] of the highest capacity. Also, they distinct with high rate of [Crops production|Windmill]. Knights have [friendly|Fraction] relations with Elves.\\
[{Image src='human.png' align='left'}] O prelestih rase __Vitezov__ nastajajo legende, vendar se nič ne more primerjati s številom legend o njihovi ljubezni do zlata. Vitezi najbolj [učinkovito pridelujejo zlato |Shop] in imajo [nosilce z največjo prostornino nahrbtnikov |UnitParametrs] v primerjavi z drugimi rasami. Za hranjenje svojih zakladov gradijo [skladišča z največjimi kapacitetami |Warehouse]. Njihova posebnost je tudi visoka [hitrost pridobivanja zelišč |Windmill]. So v [prijateljskih|Fraction] odnosih s Škrati.\\
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[{Image src='undead.png' align='left'}] The __Undead__ have inhabited the labyrinths of the Dungeon for centuries. Now that adventurers have rushed to explore the underworld, the Undead longs to turn the world of light into darkness. Using the ability to revive fallen monsters in battle, they replenish their ranks of the dead. Also, they have increased production of [wood|Samwill] and [stone|Mine_stone], which helps to quickly rebuild their cities. [Allied|Fraction] with Dark Elves and Demons.\\