This page (revision-15) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:58 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:40 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
15 26-Apr-2021 10:58 1 KB Administrator to previous
14 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
13 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
12 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
11 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
10 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Копь ==> Pit
9 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Здания ==> Buildings
8 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Город ==> City
7 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 26-Apr-2021 10:40 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 26-Apr-2021 10:40 99 bytes Administrator to last

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__Pits__ are situated underground on the Underground Terrain, just like Mines, but they contain free cells where buildings can be constructed, like in cities. Some [buildings|Buildings] aren't available for construction in Pits, some, on the contrary, can be constructed only there.
[{Image src='копь.jpg' align='center' }]
__Rovi__ se nahajajo pod zemljo, na območju Podzemlje, kot tudi Rudniki; vendar pa imajo proste celice, na katerih lahko gradite stavbe, enako kot v mestih. Nekatere [stavbe|Buildings] v Rovu niso dostopne za gradnjo, nekatere pa so lahko, ravno nasprotno, zgrajene le v njih.
[{Image src='rov2.png' align='center' }]
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Pits can be of 5 levels. The number of cells in a Pit depends on the Pit's level, same as the speed of the Main Building's production does.\\
Each Pit has a Life Span ranging from several days to several months. A Pit's Life Span is shown inside the Main Building. A Pit collapses together with all resources and buildings in it, after the Life Span expires. Player's troops located in the Pit when it collapses, leave for the nearest City with the __Escape__ mission.\\
Obstaja 5 stopenj rovov. Od stopnje rova je odvisno število celic v njem in hitrost pridobivanja v Osrednji stavbi.\\
Vsak rov ima življenjsko dobo v razponu od nekaj dni do nekaj mesecev. Življenjska doba rova je navedena znotraj Osrednje stavbe. Rov se po iztečeni življenjski dobi uniči skupaj z vsemi sredstvi in stavbami, ki se nahajajo v njem. Vojska igralcev, ki se nahaja v rovu, ga pri uničenju zapusti z misijo Beg v bližnje igralčevo mesto.\\
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Each Pit has a __"Tunnel"__. It's an analogue of the City [Gate|Buildings], including the automatic opening after 7 days since last login. Buildings don't get damaged in Pits after 3 days due to the closed Tunnel as they are situated “inside the wall”. \\
It takes 5 minutes to open a Tunnel and 6 hours to close it.\\
V rovu obstaja __Predor__ – analog mestnih [vrat|Buildings], vključno s samodejnim odpiranjem po 7 dnevih po zadnjem vpisu, poleg tega, da se stavbe v rovu zaradi zaprtega predora čez 3 dni ne poškodujejo, saj se ne nahajajo za obzidjem. \\
Predor se odpira 5 minut, zapira pa 6 ur.\\
At line 11 changed 3 lines
A player can __refuse__ a Pit after clicking the button analogical to the button of City Removal at the Kingdom Map. See the [City Removal|City].\\
If troops were queued for training in a Pit, and then the Pit was refused, the trained troops will stay in there.\\
Igralec se lahko __odpove__ rovu s klikom na gumb podoben gumbu za izbris mesta v kraljestvu. Glej [izbris mesta|City].\\
Če ste naročili v rov vojsko za gradnjo in jo nato preklicali, bo ustvarjeni del vojske tam tudi ostal.\\
At line 15 changed 3 lines
The __Main Building__ of a Pit produces one random resource.
__Osrednja stavba__ rova dobi eno naključno sredstvo od generiranih v danem rovu.