This page (revision-66) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:54 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:47 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
66 26-Apr-2021 10:54 1 KB Administrator to previous
65 26-Apr-2021 10:47 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
64 26-Apr-2021 10:47 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
63 26-Apr-2021 10:47 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
62 26-Apr-2021 10:47 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
61 26-Apr-2021 10:47 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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[{Image src='button_map.png' align='left' }] Leave your [City|City] by clicking the Map icon in the bottom left corner. You will find yourself on the __Kingdom__ Map. In the bottom part of the window you will see the Empire Map. On the top you will see the name and coordinates of your city. It is considered current City and all missions while you are in Kingdom will be performed FROM this City.\\
\\Kingdom coordinates are specified with two figures, for example, 36-11. With the third figure of coordinates a Square in the Kingdom is specified. In order to appear in Kingdom with certain coordinates, use navigation to the right side of the screen. Kingdoms where you have your domains are of bright yellow colour on the Empire map. The Kingdom where your current domain is situated is marked with red borders.
[{Image src='kar.jpg' align='center' }]\\
[{Image src='map1.png' align='left' }] Ko izstopite iz [mesta|City] prek gumba »Vstopi v kraljestvo«, vstopite v __kraljestvo__. V spodnjem delu okna vidite mapo Imperija. V naslovu okna, enako kot prej, vidite ime in koordinate vašega mesta. Šteje za tekoče izbrano mesto in v kraljestvu se vsa dejanja izvajajo v zvezi z njim, tj. »IZ njega«.\\
\\ Koordinate kraljestva v imperiju se določajo z dvema ciframa, npr. 36-11. Tretje število koordinate označuje polje v kraljestvu. Da bi se premestili v kraljestvo s takšnimi koordinatami, uporabite navigacijske elemente. Kraljestvo je z vašimi tekočimi posestmi na mapi imperija označeno z rdečim kvadratom. Kraljestva z vsemi ostalimi vašimi posestmi so označena z rumenimi kvadratki.
[{Image src='Mapa kraljestv.png' align='center' }]\\
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Kingdom Squares, empty or with cities or other domains on them, are also numbered. In order to see the number of a square, click the "Grid on/off" button in the upper right corner. [{Image src='kar2.jpg' align='center' }]\\
Polja znotraj kraljestva, na katerih stojijo mesta in druge posesti, imajo prav tako številko. Da bi jo pogledali, kliknite na gumb zgoraj desno "Pokaži stopnjo stavb / mrežo / celice".[{Image src='MREŽA2.png' align='center' }]\\
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__Terrain Bonuses__\\
Each Square in Kingdom has its __terrain__. Each terrain has certain bonuses and penalties:
* bonus on [Resources Production|Resources]
* bonus on [Army Defence and Attack|Combat]\\
__Bonusi terena __\\
Vsako polje v kraljestvu ima svoj __teren__. Vsak teren ima določene bonuse ali odbitke:
* bonusi za [pridobivanje sredstev|Resources]
* bonusi za [obrambo vojske in napad vojske |Combat]\\
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The bonuses can be seen after clicking any square on the Kingdom Map and then the “Terrain Information” button:
[{Image src='Bonus_terrain.jpg' align='center' }]
Vidite jih lahko tako, da z miško kliknete na katero koli polje na mapi kraljestva in izberete gumb "Informacije o terenu":
[{Image src='TEREN1.png' align='center' }]
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[{Image src='GORE.png' align='center' }]