This page (revision-5) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:50 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:43 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
5 26-Apr-2021 10:50 1019 bytes Administrator to previous
4 26-Apr-2021 10:43 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 26-Apr-2021 10:43 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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1 26-Apr-2021 10:43 1 KB Administrator to last

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The Grail is an Outer Estate with the Main Building producing special resource – the [Black Gems|BlackPearl]. \\
The mining speed: 200 BG per hour. \\
The Grail appears on a random field of the Map and can be seen by all players without prior exploration. Once a day, at 8 pm server time, the Grail changes its position randomly. Just like other Outer Estates, the Grail has its limited lifespan, displayed inside or on the Main Building.
[{Image src='grail.png' align='center' }]
Zunanja posest, v kateri Osrednja stavba pridobiva posebno sredstvo – [Črni Biser|BlackPearl]. \\
Hitrost pridobivanja znaša 200 ČB na uro. \\
Gral se ustvarja na naključnem mestu na zemljevidu in je viden vsem igralcem brez potrebe raziskovanja. Se naključno spreminja svojo nahajališče enkrat na dan, ob 20:00 glede časa strežnika. Kot tudi druge zunanje posesti Gral ima omejen rok trajanja, katerega podrobnosti so navedene v Osrednji stavbi ali na stavbi sami.
[{Image src='grail.png' align='center' }]
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The Grail has neither a Gate, nor a Tunnel, hence it can be attacked at any time. \\
In the Grail, there are 4 cells to build Defensive and other [buildings|Buildings] on. Just as in the city, one can also construct buildings in the neighboring [Villages|Sectors]. However when the Grail gets relocated, all its buildings and the ones in the Villages will be destroyed, and its Assistance missions resign and go back to their domains. A relocated Grail becomes neutral, the troops from its Garrison leave for the player`s nearest domain with Escape mission.
V Gralu ni niti vrat, niti predorja, zato na posest lahko napadate ob vsakem trenutku. \\
Na posesti so 4 celice, na katerih lahko gradimo Obrambne in druge [stavbe|Buildings]. Tudi lahko gradimo [naselja|Sectors], kot v mestu. Ampak med premestitvijo Grala se stavbe v njem in njegovih naseljih rušijo pa se tisti, ki stojijo za pomoč misije, vračajo na svoje posesti. Med premestitvijo Gral postane nevtralen pa se vojska iz garnizije vrača z misijo Beg na bližnjo posest igralca.
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