This page (revision-59) was last changed on 27-Jan-2022 10:16 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:45 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
59 27-Jan-2022 10:16 3 KB Administrator to previous
58 27-Jan-2022 10:14 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
57 26-Apr-2021 10:49 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
56 26-Apr-2021 10:45 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
55 26-Apr-2021 10:45 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Combat ==> Battle
54 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
53 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
52 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Battle ==> Combat
51 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last БОЙ ==> Battle
50 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Фракции ==> Fraction
49 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Расы ==> Race
48 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
47 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
46 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
45 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
44 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
43 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
42 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
41 26-Apr-2021 10:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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There are two fractions – the Dark and the Light. There is also such notion as Renegade, when player is deprived of his fraction support.
Obstajata dve frakciji – Temna in Svetla, pa tudi pojem Odpadnik, ko igralec izgubi podporo svoje frakcije.\\
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[Elves|Race] and [Knights|Race] – present the __Light Fraction__.\\
[{Image src='advisor_dr.png' align='left'}][{Image src='advisor_de.png' align='left'}]
[Dark Elves|Race] and [Demons|Race] – present the __Dark Fraction__.\\
__Monsters __ do not belong to any fraction, you cannot get Fraction Rating from them in any case.
[Svetli škrati|Race] in [Vitezi|Race] so pristaši __Svetle frakcije__.
\\[{Image src='advisor_dr.png' align='left'}][{Image src='advisor_de.png' align='left'}]
[{Image src='adviser_undead.png' align='left'}]
[Temni škrati|Race] in [Demoni|Race] in [Undead|Race] so pristaši __Temne frakcije__.\\
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If attacking any domain (including Outer Domains) of own fraction players, the attacker becomes Renegade for 7 days.\\
All domains of a Renegade have __red coloured__ titles on the Kingdom Map.\\
__Pošasti__ ne pripadajo nobeni frakciji, z njimi v nobenih pogojih ne morete pridobiti frakcijski rating.\\
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__Bonusi/odbitki napada po rasi/frakciji:__\\
Pri napadu na posest svoje frakcije se pri napadajoči vojski odbije 25 % napada. \\
Pri napadu na posest svoje rase se pri napadajoči vojski odbije 50% napada. \\
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__Attack Bonuses by race/fraction:__\\
When a player attacks another player of his own race, the attacker will receive -50% Attack Penalty.\\
When a player attacks another player of his own fraction, the attacker will receive -25% Attack Penalty.\\
Pri napadu na katero koli posest (vključno z zunanjo) igralca svoje rase napadalec postane za 7 dni odpadnik. Igralec postane odpadnik v trenutku boja.\\
Vse posesti danega igralca se v kraljestvu označijo z __rdečo barvo__.\\
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Renegades can be attacked by players of their race/fraction without any penalty for the attackers.\\
Race Bonus of [native land’s protection|Combat] is not working if player is a Renegade.\\
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[{Image src='temp.jpg' align='center' }]\\
Odpadnika lahko napadejo igralci iste rase/frakcije brez odbitkov napada po rasi/frakciji. \\
Rasni bonus [zaščite rodnega ozemlja |Combat] se ne prišteva, če je igralec odpadnik.\\
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You can stop being a Renegade in a moment with the use of the Black Gems. \\
[{Image src='temp (1).jpg' align='center' }]\\
Takoj lahko prenehate biti odpadnik s pomočjo starodavne čarovnije Črnega bisera. Za to na svoji posesti v kraljestvu kliknite in izberite gumb »Izboljšati ugled«. V oknu, ki se bo odprlo, bo navedena cena in načini plačila.\\
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A separate rating of players’ wins over the opposing fraction players is called __"Fraction Loyalty" Rating__.\\
__Fraction Loyalty__ – is Gold equivalent of units killed in battle against enemy fraction player (Dark or Light) or against Renegade of any fraction. Rating Points are awarded to the attackers, and are not awarded to the defender. \\
Za zmage igralcev ene frakcije nad igralci druge obstaja ločen __rating__ »Lojalnost frakcije«.\\
__Lojalnost frakcije__ je vrednost ubitih enot v ekvivalentu zlata igralcev iz sovražne frakcije (temne ali svetle) ali odpadnikov iz katere koli frakcije. Točke frakcije se prištevajo le napadajočim igralcem. Tistim, ki se branijo, se ne prištevajo. \\
Število ubitih enot se šteje po rundi oživljanja v boju. Torej, če nasprotnik oživi 100% svoje vojske, napadalec ne prejme točk frakcijskega ratinga.\\
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If you attack a domain of the opposing fraction player it doesn’t matter which fraction’s assistance the player has (if the player has any), the fraction of assisting troops is not considered.\\
Assisting Monsters do not affect Fraction Rating.\\
Pri napadu posesti, kjer se kot pomoč nahaja druga frakcija, se za napadajočo stran frakcija pomoči ne šteje, tj. velja, da napada frakcijo posesti.\\
Pošasti, ki se tam nahajajo kot pomoč, ne vplivajo na spremembo frakcijskega ratinga..\\
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If attack was a joint, the points will be added to players according to the amount of units killed by each player. \\
In Joint Attack participated: \\
10 Elf units each having 1 point of attack, \\
100 Knight units each having 1 point of attack. \\
There were 50 enemy killed units each having 1 point of Health and costing 1 Gold. \\
This means that the Elf will receive 10 Rating Points and the Knight – 40 Rating Points.\\
Če je bil napad skupen, se vsakemu prišteje toliko točk, kolikor je ubil nasprotnikove vojske. \\
V skupnem napadu je bilo:\\
10 enot škrata z napadom 1 \\
100 enot viteza z napadom 1\\
Pri nasprotniku je bilo ubitih 50 enot z zdravjem 1 in vrednostjo 1 zlata \\
V tem primeru škrat dobi 10 točk, vitez pa 40.\\
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EXAMPLE of calculating __Bonuses__ and Fraction __Rating__ for the Demon race.
||Attacking race||Defending race ||Fraction bonus to attack value \\for attacker|| Fraction Rating|| Bonus of native land’s protection \\for defender
| Demon | Knight | 0 | + | +25
| | Elve | 0 | + | +25
PRIMER določanja __bonusov__ in frakcijskega __ratinga__ za raso Demonov.
||Rasa napadajočega ||Rasa zaščitnika||Bonus za frakcijo k napadu \\napadajočemu|| Frakcijski rating|| Bonus za zaščito rodnega ozemlja \\zaščitnika
| Demon | Vitez | 0 | + | +25
| | Škrat | 0 | + | +25
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| | Renegade | 0 | + | 0
| | Undead | -25 | - | +25
| | Odpadnik | 0 | + | 0
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