This page (revision-19) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:56 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:45 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
19 26-Apr-2021 10:56 11 KB Administrator to previous
18 26-Apr-2021 10:45 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
17 26-Apr-2021 10:45 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
16 26-Apr-2021 10:45 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
15 26-Apr-2021 10:45 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
14 26-Apr-2021 10:45 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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4 26-Apr-2021 10:45 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last Clan_castle
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Every nine Kingdoms share one Clan Castle which is visible to all players. Initially Clan Castles are defended by a special monster race – “the monsters of Clan Castle".\\
Effects, cast against the monster race in the battle, won`t work against the monsters of Clan Castle.\\
Na rudniških in bojnih strežnikih v vsakih devetih kraljestvah se nahaja en klanski grad, ki je viden vsem igralcem. Brani nikogaršnji grad posebna rasa - "demoni klanskega grada".\\
Učinki, ki delujejo na področju boja proti rase pošasti, ne bodo delovali v boju proti demonov klanskega gradu.\\
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In order to seize a Clan Castle, the __science __[Clan Castle|ScienceDescription] needs to be studied. The science is studied by all clan members together – each member can assign his alchemists to studying this science. \\
__IMPORTANT__: When changing the science studies from you current science to “Clan Castles” you can assign already studied science points to “Clan Castles”, but not the other way around.\\
Za zajem klanskega grada je potrebno najprej preučiti __znanost __[Klanski Grad|ScienceDescription]. Znanost se preučuje skupaj s soklanovci – vsak udeleženec klana lahko pošljejo svoje znanstvenike za študij znanosti. \\
__POMEMBNO__: Med prenosom enot znanosti s katero koli znanost na znanost "Klanski gradovi" imejte v mislih, da se prenos ne more obrniti za nazaj.\\
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Clan Castle becomes the property of Clan, once the monsters are defeated. It`s also possible to seize Clan Castles by defeating the other Clans. \\
Each Clan can possess up to 5 Clan Castles depending on the science level studied.
After the seizure, Clan Castle will be displayed in the list of Clan`s domains, which is visible instead of common domain list of player when entering the Clan Castle. \\
Grad bo postal last klana, če ga zajeti pri pošastih. Možno je tudi izbrati ujete klanske ključavnice iz drugih klanov. Možno je tudi zajeti klanske gradove iz drugih klanov. \\
Klansko last lahko sestavljajo do 5 ključavnic, odvisno od stopnje znanosti.
Klanski grad se bo po zajemanju z igralci pojavil v seznamu klanskih posesti. Seznam klanskih posesti nadomešča seznam posesti igralca, ko igralec vstopa kateri koli grad svojega klana. \\
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Brand new __building__ types such as Arena and Internal Gate can be constructed in the Clan Castles. No buildings can be constructed in the villages of Clan Castles.\\
Troops trained in the Clan Castles can be used only for defending the Castle. The training costs are considerably higher in the Clan Castles than in the cities. \\
V klanskih gradovih lahko gradimo prej nedostopne __stavbe__, takšni kot Arena in Notranja vrata. V naseljih klanskega grada ni možno graditi.\\
Izurjena v klanskem gradu vojska se lahko rabi zgolj za obrambo Grada. Vrednost urjenja vojske v gradovih je višja, kakor v mestih. \\
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%%tab-Osrednja Stavba
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[{Image src='castlehall_0.png' align='left'}] __Main Building__ of a Clan Castle bears certain amount of __War and Peace points__ for the Clan every hour. These points may be used for purchasing Clan Standards which provide certain advantages for all players in the Clan. \\
Standards can be robbed other Clans by «Robbery» mission. Some part of Standards may go to the winner when capturing a Clan Castle.\\
[{Image src='castlehall_0.png' align='left'}] __Osrednja Stavba__ klanskega grada vsako uro prinaša __točke vojne in mira__, s pomočjo katerih klan lahko kupuje Zastave klana, ki dajejo prednosti vsem igralcem klana. \\
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||\\Level||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Living \\places ||Population \\growth||Storage \\capacity||Production per hour [{Image src='gold.png'}]||Creates War/\\ Peace points
||Stopnja||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Mest za bivanje ||Povečanje \\prebivalstva||Na voljo, \\sredstev||Pridobivanje na uro\\[{Image src='gold.png'}]||Prinaša točk\\ Mira/vojne
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| 2| 600 000| 2 000 000| 800 000| 0| 0| 1 500| 14| 1 500 000| 20 000| 2
| 2| 600 000| 2 000 000| 800 000| 0| 0| 1 500| 14| 1 500 000| 20 000| 2
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Main Building of a Castles hosts __«Hall of fame»__\\
There are 10 slots for not activated Standards, 5 of them military and the other 5 – peaceable.\\
Zastave lahko pridobivate «Ropanje» pri drugih klanih. Del zastav lahko preide k zmagovalcu v trenutek zajetja klanskega gradu.\\
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There are 20 __Standards__: 10 War Standards and 10 Peace Standards.\\
When a Clan Castle is created, 5 War and 5 Peace Standards are randomly assigned to it. \\
Peace Standards have following effects: bonus to troop's health, bigger chance of finding magic items, increasing of maximal defense, increasing the efficiency of Internal Gate, acceleration of explorers, merchants, increased alchemy studies, increased efficiency of the Arena, etc.\\
War Standards provide: increased magician attack, automatic troops training, increased efficiency of fortifications magic towers, towers, accelerated army training, etc.\\
V Osrednji Stavbi je zavihek __«Dvorana slave»__\\
V zavihku so 10 slotov z neaktiviranimi zastavami, 5 mirnih in 5 vojaških.\\
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Clan Treasurer can buy Peace Standards for Peace Points and Clan War Minister can buy War Standards for War Points. In order to purchase a Standard, the respective slot needs to be clicked. Successfully purchased Standard becomes coloured.\\
Effects of the currently active Standard can be prolonged by clicking it. \\
Skupaj so na voljo 20 __zastav__: 10 zastav vojne in 10 vojne.\\
Med generacijo klanskega grada se naključno izbere 5 mirnih in 5 vojaških zastav. \\
Mirne zastave lahko dajejo: bonuse k zdravju vojske, povečanje možnosti opazovanja čarobnih predmetov, povečanje maksimalne zaščite, povečanje učinkovitosti notranjih vrat, povečanje hitrosti raziskovalcev, trgovcev, povečanje hitrosti pridobivanja laboratorijev alkemikov, povečanje učinkovitosti Arene in t.d.\\
Vojaške zastave lahko dajejo: povečanje napada čarovnikov, avtomatično urjenje vojsk, povečanje učinkovitosti utrdb, čarobnih stolpov, stolpov, povečanje hitrosti urjenja vojske in t.d.\\
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The price of Peace Standards is presented solely in peace points, the price of War Standards – in war points. \\
Igralci s pravicami "Blagajnik" si lahko kupijo zastave mira za točke mira, pa igralci s pravicami "Vojaški ministr" si lahko kupijo zastave vojne za točke vojne. Za nakup je potrebno pritisniti na neaktiviranem slotu zastave. Kupljena zastava postane barvasta.\\
Lahko podaljšate rok veljavne zastave s pritiskom na njo. \\
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There are two types of Standards: first one affects Clan Castles, the other one – each player in the clan.\\
The effects of the same Standards from different clans are added. If adding effects makes no difference, only one of them will be applied. \\
Cena mirnih zastav se prikazuje zgolj v točkah mira. Cena vojaških zastav – zgolj v točkah vojne. \\
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Standards don`t have any levels. \\
Zastave so dveh podvrst: tisti, ki vplivajo na klanske gradove, ali tisti, ki vplivajo na vsakega posameznega igralca v klanu.\\
Učinki istih zastav iz različnih gradov se množijo. Če skupna vsota učinkov ne daje nič, v tem primeru velja eden izmed njih. \\
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In the Main Building of Clan Castle, players can donate resources, population and BG to estate bank. Clan Treasurer can also make donations from clan warehouse or clan reservation. Donations can`t be made less than 2 hours before battle in the domain, from where the resources are assigned. \\
__BG__ in the Clan Castle Bank are mutual for all Clan Castles. After losing the last Clan Castle, Black Gems won`t be accessible anymore, but remain and will be accessible after new Clan Castle is seized.\\
Zastava nima stopnje. \\
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V Osrednji Stavbi je dialog požrtvovanih soklanovcami sredstev, prebivalstva in ČB v banko posesti. Lahko žrtvuje tudi igralec iz skladišča ali rezervata klana s pravico «Blagajnik». Nemogoče je žrtvovati v klanski grad dve ure pred napadom na mesto, odkar se premeščajo sredstva. \\
__ČB__ v banki klanskega gradu je skupen za vse klanske gradove. Z izgubo zadnjega klanskega gradu se banka s ČB postaja nedostopna, ampak se ne uničuje. ČB bo znova na voljo po zajetju novega klanskega grada.\\
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[{Image src='arena.png' align='left'}] __Arena __ is created for training heroes of all clan members. It adds a certain amount (depends on the building level) of experience to every hero in the allied slots of CC. \\
||Level||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Exp. points/\\per hour
[{Image src='arena.png' align='left'}] __Arena __ je namenjena za urjenje junakov vseh igralcev v klanu in vsako uro daje posameznemu junaku igralcev klana, ki stojijo v KG, neko količino izkušnje odvisno od stopnje stavbe. \\
||Stopnja||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Izkušnje/Ura
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[{Image src='castle_gate.png' align='left'}] __Internal Gate__ defend the Castle from capturing. Enemy can neither seize the castle nor fight its troops if the gate hasn`t been destroyed first. \\
||Level||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Strength||Attack reduced
[{Image src='castle_gate.png' align='left'}] __Notranja vrata__ ščitijo grad pred napadom s strani igralcev klana sovražnikov. Grad ne more biti zajet in vojska sovražnika se ne udeležuje bitke z vojsko zaščitnikov grada dotlej, dokler Notranja vrata ne bodo porušena. \\
||Stopnja||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Lagodnost||Absorpcija napada
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Internal Gate participates in the battle even if impaired. \\
Battle against the Internal Gate is proceeded following way: first comes the common fortification round, afterwards the round against Gate, without defender troops, but with towers and magic towers with attack as if troops were involved. \\
Internal Gate doesn`t attack the enemy, but take over all of his attack points. Internal Gate assimilates 100000 attack points in the first round.\\
Rounds against Internal Gate end when Gate`s strength falls down to 0. \\
As usual 20 rounds are possible. \\
If the Gate gets destroyed in the 17. round, defender`s troops cut in in the 18 round. If Gate has been destroyed, it disappears.\\
Notranja vrata se udeležujejo boja, tudi če so oni deloma poškodovani. \\
Boj z Notranji vrati poteka na sledeči način: spočetka gre navadna runda utrdb, potem pa runda z Notranjimi vrati, brez vojsk zaščitnika, ampak s stolpi in čarobni stolpi z napadom, kot da se vojska zaščitnika udeležuje v trajajoči rundi. \\
Notranja vrata ne napadajo sovražnika, ampak sprejemajo nase ves njegov napad. Notranja vrata absorbirajo 100.000 napada v prvi rundi.\\
Runde z Notranjimi vrati se končajo, ko bo pri vratih čvrstost = 0. \\
Rund je kot ponavadi, 20. \\
Če Notranja vrata, na primer, so bila porušena v 17-м rundi, to pomeni, da se od 18-te runde boju pridruži vojska zaščitnika. Če so bila Notranja vrata porušena, oni izginjajo na posesti.\\
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|[Brlog zbiralcev]\\[{Image src='scavenger.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=scavenger_build_kz'}]|[Tovarna golemov|melee_build_kz]\\[{Image src='melee.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=melee_build_kz'}]|[Vojašnica orkov|cavalry_build_kz]\\[{Image src='cavalry.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=cavalry_build_kz'}]|[Gnezdo gorgulij|flyer_build_kz]\\[{Image src='flyer.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=flyer_build_kz'}]
|[Brlog zbiralcev|Scavenger_build_kz]\\[{Image src='scavenger.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=scavenger_build_kz'}]|[Tovarna golemov|melee_build_kz]\\[{Image src='melee.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=melee_build_kz'}]|[Vojašnica orkov|cavalry_build_kz]\\[{Image src='cavalry.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=cavalry_build_kz'}]|[Gnezdo gorgulij|flyer_build_kz]\\[{Image src='flyer.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=flyer_build_kz'}]
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|[Counterspies Guild|antispy_guild_kz]\\[{Image src='antispy_guild.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=antispy_guild_kz'}]|[Mirror Tower|antiwatch_tower_kz]\\[{Image src='antiwatch_tower.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=antiwatch_tower_kz'}]
|[Protivohunska bratovščina|antispy_guild_kz]\\[{Image src='antispy_guild.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=antispy_guild_kz'}]|[Zrcalni stolp|antiwatch_tower_kz]\\[{Image src='antiwatch_tower.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=antiwatch_tower_kz'}]
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|[Fortification|Fortification_kz]\\[{Image src='fortification.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Fortification_kz'}]|[Tower|Magic_Tower_kz]\\[{Image src='tower.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Magic_Tower_kz'}]|[Magic Tower|Magic_Tower_kz]\\[{Image src='magic_tower.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Magic_Tower_kz'}]
|[Utrdba|Fortification_kz]\\[{Image src='fortification.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Fortification_kz'}]|[Stolp|Magic_Tower_kz]\\[{Image src='tower.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Magic_Tower_kz'}]|[Magični stolp|Magic_Tower_kz]\\[{Image src='magic_tower.png' align='left' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Magic_Tower_kz'}]
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[{Image src='catapult_masterskaya.png' align='left'}] The Workshop is a building of a special kind that allows you not only to train a [Catapult|Catapult], also to send a trained one to the coordinates of your choice. At any given time, there can be not more than 1 Catapult in a Workshop.\\
||Level||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]
| 1| 5 000 000| 2 000 000| 2 000 000| 500 000\\
Only 1 building of this type can be constructed in a Clan Castle.\\
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__Attack on Clan Castle__\\
__Napad klanskega grada__\\
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Clan Castle can`t be attacked (no matter what mission), if the target Clan has less Clan Castles than the aggressor Clan.\\
Ne moreš napasti klanski grad z vsako nalogo, če napadeni klan ima manj gradov od klana-napadalca.\\
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Not only clan members but their allies as well can launch a joint attack on Castle (Seizure mission). In case of a successful attack, the Castle goes into possession of the initiator of the attack. Players can join this attack even if they haven`t studied the respective level of Clan Castle science.\\
Skupnega napada, ki je bil poslan za zajetje grada, se lahko udeležijo ne le soklanovci, ampak tudi zavezniki. V primeru uspešne misije grad postane last pobudnika napada. Za pridružitev napadu ni obvezno imeti preučeno znanost "Klanski gradovi" do potrebne stopnje.\\
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There is no __shelter__ in the Clan Castle, but the building __Internal Gate__ can be build additionally.\\
3 players can launch a joint attack on Clan Castle. 3 players can defend the castle in the ally slots.\\
V klanskem gradu ne deluje __zaklonišče__, zato more biti zgrajena dodatna obrambna stavba __Notranja vrata__.\\
V napad na klanski grad se lahko odpravijo skupaj 3 igralca. V pomoč klanskemu gradu se lahko postavijo 3 igralca.\\
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Clan in the process of registration loses all Clan Castles. This Clan won`t be able to seize a Clan Castle even if the respective science is studied.\\
Klan, ki se registrira, izgubi vse klanske gradove. Ne more zajeti klanski grad, tudi če že ima preučeno znanost.\\
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All buildings except for Main Building can be destroyed in the Castle.\\
Castle can be seized only if there are no defending buildings in it. If a castle was seized, slightly more than half of all Standards in its Hall of Fame get lost. \\
When seizing a Clan Castle, its buildings are destroyed in the same way as in a Mine.\\
When seizing a Clan Castle, its resources get lost in the same way as in a Mine.\\
BG don`t get lost and remain in the Bank of the Clan. \\
When seizing a Clan Castle, 50% or slightly more of War and Peace points get lost. Effect __Tender seizure__ doesn`t affect the Standards.\\
V klanskem gradu lahko uničujemo vse stavbe, razen osrednje.\\
Grad lahko zajamemo, če na posesti ni obrambnih stavb. V trenutek zajetja klanskega grada se poljubnih 50%, zaokroženih v večjo stran, in kupljenih zastav iz Dvorane Slave, uničuje. \\
Vse stavbe med zajetjem dobivajo poškodbe kot med zajetjem Rudnika.\\
Sredstva med zajetjem sežigajo kot med zajetjem Rudnika. \\
ČB ne sežiga in se ostaja v distributivni banki Klanskih Gradov tistega klana, ki je bil prejšnji lastnik Grada.\\
Med zajetjem sežiga 50% točk vojne in miru, zaokroženih v večjo stran. Učinek __Nežno zajetje__ ne vpliva na zastave.\\
Na rating frakcije in odpadništvo ne vpliva napad klanskega grada, ker njegova rasa je – «pošasti klanskega gradu».\\