This page (revision-55) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:49 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:44 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
55 26-Apr-2021 10:49 3 KB Administrator to previous
54 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
53 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
52 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
51 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
50 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
49 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Кланы ==> Clan
48 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Союзы ==> Alliance
47 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Наукa ==> ScienceDescription
46 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
45 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Здания ==> Buildings
44 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
43 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
42 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
41 26-Apr-2021 10:44 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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__Clans__ have more extended functions than [Alliances|Alliance]. \\
__Klani__ imajo več funkcij kot [zavezništva|Alliance]. \\
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__In order to register a clan it's necessary to:__\\
* study the "Clans" [science|ScienceDescription],
* construct the [Diplomatic Corps|Diplomat] building,
* register the new clan in the Clans tab of the Diplomatic Corps. Try not to name your Clan similar to already existing Clans. In case the Clan names are similar in a way that other players might think that this is the same Clan, the Administration reserves the right to rename one of the Clans;
* invite other players and wait for the invitations acceptance.
__Da bi registrirali klan, je potrebno:__\\
* preučiti [znanost|ScienceDescription] Klani
* zgraditi stavbo [Diplomatski korpus|Diplomat]
* v zavihku Klani (v stavbi Diplomatski korpus) registrirati novi klan. Skušajte ustvariti klan z imenom, ki ne bo preveč podobno kakemu drugemu imenu klana. V primeru da bodo imena klanov podobna in bi lahko drugi igralci pomislili, da gre za en in isti klan, ima administracija pravico preimenovati klan.
* poslati povabila igralcem in počakati na njihovo potrdilo vabila.
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__In order to join a clan it's necessary to:__\\
* study the "Clans" science;
* construct the Diplomatic Corps building;
* accept an invitation from the Head of a desired clan in the "Clans" tab of the Diplomatic Corps.
__Da bi vstopili v klan, je potrebno:__\\
* preučiti znanost Klani
* zgraditi stavbo Diplomatski korpus
* v zavihku Klani (v stavbi Diplomatski korpus) potrditi vabilo v klan, ki ga je poslal vodja želenega klana.
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Clan can consist of 5 to 100 members. If a clan has less than 5 members, it has a status "__Registering__" and isn't considered a full value clan. Such Clans are shown in grey in ratings.\\
Maximum number of Clan Members at the moment is defined by the Clan __level__. The level can be increased in the [Diplomatic Corps|Buildings] building.\\
V klanu je lahko od 5 do 100 ljudi. Če je v klanu manj kot 5 ljudi, ima status "__V procesu registracije__" in se ne šteje kot polnovreden klan. V ratingih se tak klan odraža s sivo barvo.\\
Maksimalno mogoče število pripadnikov klana določa __stopnja__ klana. Stopnjo lahko povišate v [stavbi|Buildings] Diplomatski korpus.\\
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__Clan Level increase__\\
Each increase of Clan Level requires a certain contribution of Gold from Clan Members. Only players who reached 10,000,000 points of the Main Rating can contribute to Clan development. Contributions are made by clicking the "Contribute" button depicting Gold in the "Clans" tab.\\
Obstajata dve vrsti klanov: [Monarhični klani|Monarch] in [Demokratični klani|Democrat].\\
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||Level || Capacity, \\members ||Cost, [{Image src='gold.png'}]|| Cost, [{Image src='pearl.png'}]
__Rast stopnje klana__\\
Vsako povišanje stopnje klana zahteva od igralcev določeno vsoto prispevka v zlatu. Za razvoj klana lahko prispevajo le igralci, ki so dosegli 10 000 000 splošnega ratinga. Prispevki se izvedejo prek gumba s podobo zlata - "Prispevati" v zavihku "Klani".\\
Klan se ustanovi kot [monarhičen|Monarch]. S 3. stopnjo lahko klan postane [demokratičen|Democrat].
||Stopnja|| Kapaciteta, \\ljudi||Cena, [{Image src='gold.png'}]|| Стоимость, [{Image src='pearl.png'}]
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If the limit of invitations to a Clan is reached, no more members can be invited. It's also impossible to send more invitations than the limit allows (even if some of the sent invitations were not accepted). That's why before inviting a player to Clan it's better to contact him, learn his priorities, the time he can spend playing, etc., and, correspondingly, send an invite when it's for sure the player will accept it.\\
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__In order to leave a Clan:__\\
Enter the Diplomatic Corps, choose the "Clans" tab and click "Leave the Clan" button next to the Clan name.\\
You won't exit the clan immediately, but in 1 day, after the countdown. The exit can't be cancelled.\\
The Clan Head is able to construct __Clan Warehouse__ and __Clan Reservation__ buildings.\\
__Kako lahko izvem, kdo je vodja klana?__\\
Vstopite v Rating Moč klana in v iskalno polje vpišite ime klana.\\
Ko se izpišejo rezultati, se z miško postavite na ime klana in v prikaznem oknu se bo izpisalo ime vodje klana in koordinate njegove Prestolnice.
[{Image src='clan.png' align='center'}]
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[{Image src='dipcorps.jpg' align='center' }]\\
__Clan Heads__, be careful, don't confuse buttons. You also have button - "Disband Clan".\\
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__Player Expel from clan.__\\
The Clan Head can expel a player from the clan. In order to do that, click the player's name in the "Clans" tab of the Diplomatic Corps and click the button "Expel player from Clan" in the pop-up panel. The player won't be expelled from the clan immediately, but in 1 day, after the countdown.\\
__Pravice pripadnikov klana:__\\
* Vodja klana
* Vojaški minister
* Zakladnik
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__Clan disbandment .__\\
The Clan Head can disband the clan. The disbandment of a registered clan will be done in 1 hour, after the countdown. During this time the disbandment can be cancelled.\\
»__Vodja klana__« lahko kateremu koli pripadniku klana podeli pravice Vojaškega ministra in Zakladnika in jih tudi odvzeti.
Možnost podelitve pravic se izvede z gumbom "Pravice pripadnika klana", ki se nahaja v stavbi Diplomatski korpus, zavihkom Klan, znotraj bloka z igralčevim uporabniškim imenom. \\
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Pravica »__Zakladnik__« nudi možnost, da se v klan sprejme ali izključi katerega koli igralca, vključno z Vojaškim ministrom, razen Vodje klana. Pravica »Zakladnika« daje dostop do stavb Skladišče klana in Rezervat klana prek gumbov, ki se nahajajo v dialogu z igralčevimi pravicami.\\
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__How to get to know who is the Head of a Clan?__\\
Open the Clans Strength Rating and enter the name of a Clan in the search field.\\
When the search is completed point at the Clan name. The name of the Clan Head and his Capital’s coordinates will be shown in the pop-up box.
[{Image src='clan.jpg' align='center'}]
Pravica »__Vojaški minister__« daje možnost v klan sprejemati in izključevati katerega koli igralca, vključno z Zakladnikom, razen Vodje klana. Pravica Vojaški minister se izpiše z rdečo barvo v oknu misij nosilca pravice do misije – napada, ki potekajo proti pripadnikom klana. Misije napade lahko skrijete tako, da umaknete oznako pri Pokaži misije pripadnikov klana.