This page (revision-111) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:55 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:46 by Administrator

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110 26-Apr-2021 10:46 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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!First City
Your first city is the Capital. The first City can be developed to the maximum existing City [Level|City] – level five.
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Each city has 4 [villages|Villages] with cells suitable for buildings construction.\\
Cities cannot be seized, as opposed to [Outer Domains|OuterDomains] that can be [re-seized|Combat] from other players.\\
!Prvo mesto
Vaše prvo mesto je Prestolnica. Prvo mesto lahko lahko razvijete do največ iz obstoječih [stopenj|City] - pete. \\
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Capital, unlike other Cities, always has 51 cells for [buildings|Buildings].\\
Capital cannot be removed. All quest rewards are delivered there. Also, certain buildings can be built only in Capital.\\
However, the status of Capital can be transferred after studying the "Capital Transfer" science.\\
The __coordinates__ of any player's Capital can be seen if point at a player's name in the Ratings Window, or in the Messages Window after adding a player to the Contact List.
V vsakem mestu so 4 [naselja|Sectors], v katerih bo prav tako mogoča gradnja stavb.\\
Mesta ne morejo biti zajeta, za razliko od [Zunanjih posesti|Outer_estates], ki se [napada|Attack].\\
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Prestolnica ima za razliko od drugih mest vedno 51 celic za [stavbe|Buildings].\\
Prestolnice ni mogoče izbrisati. Vse nagrade iz nalog pridejo v prestolnico. Obstajajo le določene stavbe, ki se gradijo le v prestolnici.\\
Status Prestolnice lahko prenesete tako, da preučite [znanost|ScienceDescription] "Prenos prestolnice".\\
__Koordinate __Prestolnice katerega koli igralca lahko vidite tako, da se nanj v Oknu stopenj ali Sporočilih postavite z miško, vendar ga morate dodati v Kontakte.
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!Navigation Between Cities
Later, as [science|ScienceDescription] develops, you will be able to [found|Colonization] up to 5 more cities. Their size and level will depend on the square where you will send your [Settler|Colonization].
Therefore, [explore|Exploration] Kingdoms in order to choose the best square for new city foundation. Your Explorers will provide information on what level a city founded on this square can reach.\\
On the top of the Game Window you can see the name and [coordinates|Kingdom] of your current domain. From your domain you can move to your other domain by choosing it from the drop-down list. [{Image src='1.jpg' align='center' }]
!Navigacija po mestih
Nadalje lahko z razvojem [znanosti|ScienceDescription] [ustanovite|Colonization] še 7 mest. Njihova velikost bo odvisna od polja, na katero boste poslali [naseljenca|Colonization].\\
Zato pri izbiri kraja za novo mesto [preučite|Exploration] polja v kraljestvih.\\
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!City Level
At the beginning any new city has 22 cells. As the [Main Building|Buildings] upgrades, the number of cells inside the City Wall increases. This number cannot exceed the maximum number of cells for the square where the City was built (except for the Capital).\\
Na vrhu okna vidite naziv in [koordinate|Kingdom] vaše posesti. Ko se nahajate na eni od vaših posesti, se lahko premeščate na drugo tako, da jo izberete iz spustnega seznama. [{Image src='Novo_Mesto1.png' }]
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Maximum number of cells in a city can be increased with the aid of the “City Expansion” science.
Notice that the Main Building level will not change with the cells number increase by the science.
!Stopnja mesta
V vsakem novem mestu je najprej 22 celic. Z izboljševanjem [stavbe|Buildings] Osrednje stavbe raste število celic znotraj mestnega obzidja. Vendar ne več, kot znaša maksimalno število celic za polje, na katerem je zgrajeno mesto (razen Prestolnice).\\
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||Maximum ||Number of Cells from||to
||City Level || ||
Zato je za ustanovitev mesta visoke stopnje potrebno predhodno [raziskati|Exploration] polja za naselitev in gledati, kakšne stopnje mesto lahko zgradite na danem polju.\\
Maksimalno število celic v mestu lahko povečate tudi s pomočjo znanosti "Širitev mesta". Stopnja Osrednje stavbe se po povečanju števila celic v mestu s pomočjo znanosti ne spremeni.\\
||Maksimalno ||Število celic OD||DO
||stopnja mesta || ||
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!City teleportation
You can move your city together with its villages to coordinates of your choice. To do so, click any empty cell on the kingdom map and choose the relevant option in the circled menu. Be advised that the target cell shall not have any common villages with other cities/estates. The cost of moving is 99 BG. In the event of a failed attempt of moving a city, the BG will be charged anyway, so please before moving make sure the target cell is explored.\\
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!City Removal
Player can remove any of his Cities, but Capital. After the city removal all the buildings and resources in the City will also be done away after the confirmation dialogue. \\
The troops located in the City that is being removed will flee to the nearest City with the [Escape|OuterDomains] mission.\\
[{Image src='dfg.png' align='center' }]
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Teleportation becomes available only upon studying the Land Management science.
If in the event of tepeportation any mining buildings end up on cells with unsuitable resources, such buildings will be destroyed upon a warning in a dialog box.
[{Image src='gfd.png' align='center' }]
The city is moved instantly. A city cannot be moved, if an incoming attack strikes it in less than 6 hours, or if there are any incoming/outgoing missions in the city. In the event of teleportation all assistance missions in the city will be cancelled (Ancient Assistance as well). Upon moving the Gate in the city gets instantly closed, if it was opened. It takes longer than usual to open the Gate for the first time after the teleportaion.\\
!Brisanje mesta
Igralec lahko izbriše katero koli svoje mesto, razen Prestolnice. Pri brisanju mesta bodo vse stavbe in sredstva v mestu po potrditvi tudi izbrisane. \\
Vojska, ki se nahaja v mestu, se bo pri brisanju mesta umaknila z misijo [Umik|Outer_estates] v najbližje mesto.\\