This page (revision-111) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:55 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:46 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
111 26-Apr-2021 10:55 3 KB Administrator to previous
110 26-Apr-2021 10:46 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
109 26-Apr-2021 10:46 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
108 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
107 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
106 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
105 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
104 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
103 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
102 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
101 26-Apr-2021 10:46 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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Nadalje lahko z razvojem [znanosti|ScienceDescription] [ustanovite|Colonization] še 5 mest. Njihova velikost bo odvisna od polja, na katero boste poslali [naseljenca|Colonization].\\
Nadalje lahko z razvojem [znanosti|ScienceDescription] [ustanovite|Colonization] še 7 mest. Njihova velikost bo odvisna od polja, na katero boste poslali [naseljenca|Colonization].\\
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Na vrhu okna vidite naziv in [koordinate|Kingdom] vaše posesti. Ko se nahajate na eni od vaših posesti, se lahko premeščate na drugo tako, da jo izberete iz spustnega seznama. [{Image src='Novo Mesto splošna slika_urejeno.png' align='center' }]
Na vrhu okna vidite naziv in [koordinate|Kingdom] vaše posesti. Ko se nahajate na eni od vaših posesti, se lahko premeščate na drugo tako, da jo izberete iz spustnega seznama. [{Image src='Novo_Mesto1.png' }]
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!City teleportation
You can move your city together with its villages to coordinates of your choice. To do so, click any empty cell on the kingdom map and choose the relevant option in the circled menu. Be advised that the target cell shall not have any common villages with other cities/estates. The cost of moving is 99 BG. In the event of a failed attempt of moving a city, the BG will be charged anyway, so please before moving make sure the target cell is explored.\\
[{Image src='dfg.png' align='center' }]
Teleportation becomes available only upon studying the Land Management science.
If in the event of tepeportation any mining buildings end up on cells with unsuitable resources, such buildings will be destroyed upon a warning in a dialog box.
[{Image src='gfd.png' align='center' }]
The city is moved instantly. A city cannot be moved, if an incoming attack strikes it in less than 6 hours, or if there are any incoming/outgoing missions in the city. In the event of teleportation all assistance missions in the city will be cancelled (Ancient Assistance as well). Upon moving the Gate in the city gets instantly closed, if it was opened. It takes longer than usual to open the Gate for the first time after the teleportaion.\\
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