This page (revision-21) was last changed on 28-Jan-2022 11:16 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:45 by Administrator

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21 28-Jan-2022 11:16 1 KB Administrator to previous

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__Mirror Tower__ Knights / Elves / Demons / Drow \\
__Stolp zrcal__ Vitezi/ Škrati/ Demoni/ Drow \\
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||Level||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Mirrors\\quantity||One Mirror\\training time
| 1| 0| 0| 800| 0| 0| 4|4 hours
| 2| 0| 0| 1000| 0| 0| 6|3 hours
| 3| 300| 0| 1 500| 0| 0| 8|2 hours
| 4| 600| 0| 3 000| 500| 0| 10|1 hour
| 5| 1 200| 0| 5 000| 1000| 0| 12|30 minutes
| 6| 3 000| 0|15 000| 1500| 10| 15|20 minutes
| 7|10 000| 0|25 000| 3000| 25| 20|10 minutes
||Stopnja||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}] ||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]||[{Image src='pearl.png'}]||Količina\\ zrcal||Čas urjenja\\ zrcala
| 1| 0| 0| 800| 0| 0| 4|4 ur
| 2| 0| 0| 1000| 0| 0| 6|3 ur
| 3| 300| 0| 1 500| 0| 0| 8|2 ur
| 4| 600| 0| 3 000| 500| 0| 10|1 ur
| 5| 1 200| 0| 5 000| 1000| 0| 12|30 min
| 6| 3 000| 0|15 000| 1500| 10| 15|20 min
| 7|10 000| 0|25 000| 3000| 25| 20|10 min
At line 17 changed 4 lines
The building can only be constructed in villages and Pits.\\
Mirrors are to be trained in the building. \\
Enter the building, choose quantity of Mirrors to be trained and click the “Train” button. As level of the building upgrades, the queue and speed of training grow. \\
[{Image src='mirror.png' align='left' }]
Gradi se le v naselju Rovi.\\
Omogoča urjenje zrcal. Za to morate vstopiti v stavbo, izbrati število zrcal, ki jih želite izuriti in klikniti na Naroči. Z zvišanjem stopnje stavbe se povečuje maksimalna količina zrcal v stavbi in zmanjšuje čas urjenja danih junakov.\\
[{Image src='mirror.png' align='left' }]
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Mirrors are needed to prevent enemies from performing [Observation|Watch].\\
Point at the building and in the pop-up window you will see how many Mirrors are training, how many Mirrors are trained and how many Mirrors can be trained at this level of building.\\
Zrcala omogočajo preprečevanje, da bi nasprotnikovi preroki izpolnjevali misijo [Opazovanje|Watch].\\
Ko se z miško postavite na stavbo, lahko v prikaznem oknu videti, koliko zrcal je naročenih na urjenje, koliko jih je pripravljenih in koliko jih lahko maksimalno pripravite pri dani stopnji stavbe.\\
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