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The third level makes it possible to rob recipes.
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!3. Converting artifacts
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The second level of the «__Alchemy__» science allows:\\
To __ convert an artifact into an ancient one__, place it onto the central slot of the Alchemy altar and click the button «Convert into ancient». The cost of converting is half the price of the final artifact. With that all additional effects applied to the artifact (crystals, runes, and rune words) remain unchanged. The convertation does not consider any items placed in other Altar slots. The cost of convertation of the artifact will be displayed next to the Convertation button.
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1. to rob Runes in Stonehenges\\
2. to perform runic rituals\\
[{Image src='cia.png' align='center' }]
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!!1. __Runes__.
Rune – is a magical stone which provides a passive bonus to the player by means of engraving a runic sing on an artifact.\\
Druga stopnja znanosti __Alkemija__» dovoljuje:\\
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!!There are 9 types of magic runes:
||\\__Feoh__|[{Image src='f.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\ __+25%__ hero`s experience in battles \\against the Monster race
||\\__Ur__|[{Image src='u.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\__+10%__ hero`s experience in battles
||\\__Thorn__|[{Image src='th.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+5__ defense in battles against the Monster race
||\\__Eoh__|[{Image src='eo.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+3__ defense for all troops
||\\__Rad__|[{Image src='r.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+5%__ health for all troops
||\\ __Tir__|[{Image src='t.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\ __-5%__ enemy’s attack in battles \\against Monster race
||\\__Gyfu__|[{Image src='x.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+3%__ attack for all troops
||\\__Ior__|[{Image src='ia.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __-2%__ mission duration of hero squad
||\\__Haegl__|[{Image src='h.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __-3%__ enemy’s attack
1. Ropati rune na Stounhendžah\\
2. Opravljati runske obrede\\
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!!1. __Rune__.
Runa – čaroben kamen, ki z uporabo runskega znaka na artefaktu daje igralcu pasiven bonus.\\
!!Obstaja 9 vrst čarobnih run:
||\\__Feo__|[{Image src='f.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\ __+25%__ pridobljenih Junakom izkušenj \\ v bitki zoper rase Pošasti
||\\__Ur__|[{Image src='u.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\__+10%__ pridobljenih Junakom izkušenj v bitki
||\\__Torn__|[{Image src='th.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+5__ zaščite v bitki zoper rase Pošasti
||\\__Io__|[{Image src='eo.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+3__ zaščite vseh vojsk
||\\__Rad__|[{Image src='r.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+5%__ zdravje vseh vojsk
||\\ __Tir__|[{Image src='t.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\  __-5%__ napada, vpliva na nasprotnika \\zoper rase Pošasti
||\\__Gifu__|[{Image src='x.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __+3%__ napad vseh vojsk
||\\__Jar__|[{Image src='ia.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\  __-2%__ trajanje misije čete z junakom
||\\__Hegelj__|[{Image src='h.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __-3%__ napada, vpliva na nasprotnika
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The Runes are enlisted in level ascending order from Feoh to Haegl. For example, three Feoh runes can be upgraded into 1 rune of the next level – the Ur rune. \\
Rune so navedene v tabeli po vrstnem naraščajočem redu od Feo do Hegelj. Na primer, tri rune Feo lahko pretvorimo v eno runo naslednje stopnje, to je runa Ur. \\
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The Runes appear in ancient monster estates – the [Stonehenges|stonehenge] which can be discovered only by Suzerains with the help of explorers. When a new Stonehenge appears on the map, one of the 9 Runes is randomly generated in the bag of its monster hero. The higher the level of the Rune, the less often it appears in Stonehenges and the stronger the monster garrison defending it. If winning an attack against Stonehenge, the attacker (mission’s initiator) gets its Rune, provided s/he has the second level of the Alchemy science studied and there is at least one free slot in the bag of initiator’s hero.\\
Rune se pojavljajo na starodavnih posesti pošasti – [Stounhendžah|stonehenge], ki jih lahko najdejo le Vrhovni Vladarji s pomočjo raziskovalcev. V času nastajanja novega Stounhendža se v torbi njegovega junaka-pošasti na naključen način generira ena od 9 verjetnih run. Čim višja je stopnja rune, tem bolj redko se sreča na Stounhendžu in tem močneje je njegova garnizija. Med uspešnim napadom na Stounhendž pobudnik misije odvzame runo, če je pri njemu preučena znanost Alkemija druge stopnje pa v torbi junaka je na voljo vsaj en prost slot.\\
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Unlike magic crystals, Runes can`t be stolen from other players. If needed, runes can be sold to Artifact Trader. \\
V nasprotju s čarobnimi kristali ne smemo ropati rune pri drugih igralcih. Če je treba, lahko prodamo rune Trgovcu z Artefakti.\\
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!!2. __Runic rituals__.
!!2. __Runske obredi__.
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Magical rituals with runes can be performed in Treasury’s [Runemaster|Artefact_store] tab (and in the Hero window). \\
V zavihku [Runmojstra|Artefact_store] v Zakladnici (in v oknu junaka) lahko opravljamo raznorazne čarobne obrede z uporabo run. \\
[{Image src='ritualsi.png' align='left'}]
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!__Runic sings__
At the Runemaster`s, you can engrave an artifact with one or several runes to activate their bonuses. The runes used in this rite will disappear and their bonuses will be added up with those of the artifact. To perform the rite, place a “clean” (not engraved with runic signs) artifact and runes into slots at the Runemaster`s and click the button «__Perform the rite__». An artifact can be engraved with up to 4 runes, no matter whether of the same level or not. \\
!__Označevanje runskih znakov__
S pomočjo Runmojstra lahko označimo eno ali nekoliko run na artefakt za aktivacijo njihovega bonusa. Uporabljene rune med tem izginjajo, njihovi bonusi pa se dodajajo do posebnosti artefakta. Za opravljanje obreda je potrebno namestiti «čist» (brez runskih znakov) artefakt in rune v sloti zavihka Runmojstra in pritisniti gumb «__Opraviti obred__». Na enem artefaktu se skupaj uporablja največ 5 rune, tako različne, kot enake. \\
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!__Rune recovery__
At the Runemaster`s, you can restore the Runes from an engraved artifact and therefore use them again. In order to do so, place an artifact engraved with runic signs into the Runemaster`s slots and click the button «__Restore runes__». When performing the ritual, there must not be any other objects besides the artifact in the slots. Upon performing the ritual, the player gets the artifact (free from any runic sings) and the runes of the respective runic sings. The ritual can be performed only for Black Gems.\\
!__Obnova run__
S pomočjo Runmojstra se iz artefakta lahko izvlečejo prej označene v njem rune za ponovno uporabo. Zato je treba namestiti v slot Runmojstra artefakt z runskimi znaki pa pritisniti gumb «__Dobiti rune__». Med izvršitvijo obreda se v slotih ne more nahajati nobenih drugih objektov. Ob koncu slovesnosti igralec dobi rune, ki ustrezajo runskim znakom na artefaktu in neposredno sam artefakt. Za opravljenje obreda je potreben ČB.\\
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!__Rune conversion__
If needed, three runes of the same level can be upgraded into 1 rune of the next level at the Runemaster`s. Once done, the ritual can`t be reversed.\\
!__Pretvorba run__
Če je potrebno v zavihku Runmojstra lahko naredimo pretvorbo 3 istih run v 1 runo višje stopnje. Ta operacija je nepovratna.\\
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!__Runic word__
!__Runska beseda__
S posebno kombinacijo run se pojavljajo Runske besede, ki dajajo artefaktom dodatne igralne prednosti. Runska beseda se zbira iz 2-5 run, če so med obredom označevanja runskih znakov bile uporabljene rune, ki sestavljajo __recept runske besede__. Če poleg tistih run je med obredom bila uporabljena vsaj ena runa, ki jo ni v receptu besede, ta beseda se ne aktivira na artefaktu. Vsaka Runska beseda je namenjena zgolj za določeno vrsto artefakta (meč, oklep in t.d.) pa se ne aktivira na artefaktu drugačne vrste. Bonus vsake rune se prikazuje v jedru artefakta v posebni vrstici turkizno, bonus Runske besede – z rumeno barvo. Pomen bonusa nastane v vnaprej določenem razponu neposredno med aktiviranjem besede, zato se lahko razlikuje. Med odstranjevanjem rune se učinek Runske besede na artefaktu izgublja.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 1 lvl__|[{Image src='1_1.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a random lvl 1 artifact out of 1 lvl 1 artifact. \\
||\\__Master of Exchange 2 lvl__|[{Image src='1_2.png' align='center'}]|\\ Creates a random lvl 2 artifact out of 1 lvl 2 artifact.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 3 lvl__|[{Image src='1_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 3 artifact out of 1 lvl 3 artifact.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 4 lvl__|[{Image src='1_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 4 artifact out of 1 lvl 4 artifact.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 5 lvl__|[{Image src='1_5.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 5 artifact out of 1 lvl 5 artifact (except artifacts from the Royal set and the High Elf set).\\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 1 lvl__|[{Image src='2_1.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a random lvl 2 artifact out of 2 lvl 1 artifacts\\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 2 lvl__|[{Image src='2_2.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 3 artifact out of 2 lvl 2 artifacts \\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 3 lvl__|[{Image src='2_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 4 artifact out of 2 lvl 3 artifacts \\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 4 lvl__|[{Image src='2_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 5 artifact out of 2 lvl 4 artifacts (except artifacts from the Royal set and the High Elf set).\\
||\\__The Right Choice 1 lvl__|[{Image src='3_1.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a lvl 1 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 1 artifact\\
||\\__The Right Choice 2 lvl__|[{Image src='3_2.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a lvl 2 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 2 artifact \\
||\\__The Right Choice 3 lvl__|[{Image src='3_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a lvl 3 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 3 artifact \\
||\\__The Right Choice 4 lvl__|[{Image src='3_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a lvl 4 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 4 artifact \\
||\\__The Right Choice 5 lvl__|[{Image src='3_5.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a lvl 5 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 5 artifact (except artifacts from the Royal set and the High Elf set).\\
||\\__Extraction of Runes \\1 lvl__|[{Image src='4_1.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 1 rune from an artifact without spending BG\\
||\\__Extraction of Runes\\2 lvl__|[{Image src='4_2.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 2 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Extraction of Runes \\3 lvl__|[{Image src='4_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 3 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Extraction of Runes\\4 lvl__|[{Image src='4_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 4 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Extraction of Runes \\5 lvl__|[{Image src='4_5.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 5 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Merge of Crystals \\5 lvl__|[{Image src='scroll_5_crystals.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to create 1 purple crystal from 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue crystals and BG \\
The Alchemy 4 science allows you to rob __Enchantments__ in Sarcophagus, if there is a free slot in hero`s bag.
Using __Enchantments__ allows to make better one or more basic parameters of artefacts in the Runemaster window. To do this, it is enough to put the Artefact and the suitable __Enchantment__ in the Runemaster window. If the basic parameter of the Artefact and improving by the __Enchantment__ parameter are suitable, you will see below the information about chance of successful rite. When clicking the button `Perform the rite` you will see a confirmation window. If the rite is successful, the __Enchantment__ will disappear and the basic parameter of the Artefact will increase by the corresponding amount. If the rite fails, the __Enchantment__ will disappear and the enchanting level of the Artefact`s basic parameter will decrease to the nearest non-combustible level. \\ Example: There is an Artefact that has +36% Army Strength parameter and the __Shiv__ that has +1% Army Strength parameter in the Runemaster window. If the rite (sharpening) is successful, you will get the Artefact that has +36% and bonus __Sharpened by +1%__ (in total 37% Attack)/ \\
An artefact that has been enchanted before can be enchanted again. The higher artefact is already enchanted the less chance it will be enchanted successfully in the future. Each parameter can be enchanted to a certain value above which it is no longer possible to enchant.
!!Non-combustible level
When enchanting the Artefact, there are so called `non-combustible` levels. If such level has been reached or the Artefact has been improved above the level, then the next unsuccessful attempt to enchant the basic parameter of the Artefact will decrease to the nearest such level.\\
Example: \\
__Enchantment__ for Army Strength improves the basic parameter of the Artefact by up to +25%. At the same time, non-combustible levels are at levels of +5%, +10%, +15%, +20%. \\
If the Artefact 36% Army Strength has already been enchanted by 4% (40% in total) and the next enchantment fails, then the player will get the Artefact +36%. \\
If the Artefact 36% has already been enchanted by 7% (43% in total) and the next enchanting fails, then the player will get the Artefact 36%+5% (41% in total), so the enchanting level will decrease to the nearest non-combustible level +5%. \\
!!__Enchantment__ levels
__Enchantments__ can be from level 1 to level 5. The higher level is, the more bonus it will give, in case of a successful rite.
__Enchantment__ of the 1 lvl. by +1% Army Strength improves the Artefact 36% up to 37% in total for 1 rite, \\__Enchantment__ of the 5 lvl. by +5% Army Strength improves the Artefact 36% up to 41% in total. \\
!!Perfect Enchantments
Every __Enchantment__ can be standard or perfect.
Perfect __Enchantment__ always provides the chance of successful enchanting 100%, regardless of the existing level of enchanting of the Artifact on which it is applied. \\
!!Table of levels
| __Name__ |__Icon__ |__Available levels__|__Non-combustible levels of Enchantments\\ (the last one is of the maximum value)__ | __Enchantment properties__
|Army Strength| [armystrength.png] |1-5| 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, __25%__ | Increases the parameter Army Strength
|Protection| [protection.png] |1-5| 5, 10, 15, 20, __25__ | Increases the parameter Protection
|Army Durability| [armyres.png] |1-5| 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, __25%__ | Increases the parameter Army Durability
|Protection against Magic| [Magdefense.png] |1-5| 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, __25%__ | Increases the parameter Protection against Magic
|Enemy`s Weakness| [enemweak.png] |1-4| 5%, 10%, __15%__ | Decreases the parameter Enemy`s Army Strength
|Protection Suppression| [enemdef.png] |1-4| 5, 10, __15__ | Decreases the parameter Enemy`s Protection
|Health Suppression| [enemhealth.png] |1-4| 5%, 10%, __15%__ | Decreases the parameter Enemy`s Army Durability
|Horror| [terr.png] |1-3| 4%, 7%, __10%__ | Increases the parameter Horror
|Maximum defence limit| [maxdef.png] |1-3| 4, 7, __10__ | Increases the parameter Maximum defence limit
|Hero Speed| [herospeed.png] |1-3| 4%, 7%, __10%__ | Increases the parameter Hero Speed
|Hero Experience| [heoexp.png] |1-5| 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, __100%__ | Increases the parameter Hero Experience
|Ally`s Maximum defence limit| [maxdefally.png] |1-2| 4, __7__ | Increases the parameter Maximum defence limit for me and allies
|Ally`s Army Strength| [armystrengthally.png] |1-4| 5%, 10%, __15%__ | Increases the parameter Army Strength for me and allies
|Ally`s Protection| [Protectally.png] |1-4| 5%, 10%, __15%__ | Increases the parameter Protection for me and allies
|Ally`s Army Durability | [armyresally.png] |1-4| 5%, 10%, __15%__ | Increases the parameter Army Durability for me and allies
|Maximum defence suppression| [{Image src='enemmaxdef.png' align='left'}] |1-3| 4, 7, __10__ | Decreases the parameter Enemy`s Maximum defence limit
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Special combinations of runes create Rune words that give artifacts additional in-game bonuses. A rune word can be created with 2-4 runes, if the runes used in the magical ritual are in the __rune word recipe__. If even one rune that is not in the recipe was used in the ritual, the word won`t be activated on the artifact. Each rune word is meant only for one kind of artifact (sword, armour etc.) and cannot be activated on an artifact of a different type. Each rune's bonus is shown in turquois in a separate line of the tooltip of the artifact, the Rune word's bonus is shown in yellow. The value of the bonus is generated within given limits at the moment of the activation of the word and therefore may vary. When runes are taken off the artifact, the effect of the Rune word disappears.\\
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