This page (revision-16) was last changed on 26-Apr-2021 10:54 by Administrator

This page was created on 26-Apr-2021 10:48 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 26-Apr-2021 10:54 9 KB Administrator to previous
15 26-Apr-2021 10:48 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
14 26-Apr-2021 10:48 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
13 26-Apr-2021 10:48 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
12 26-Apr-2021 10:48 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
11 26-Apr-2021 10:48 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
10 26-Apr-2021 10:48 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
9 26-Apr-2021 10:48 8 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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5 26-Apr-2021 10:48 9 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 26-Apr-2021 10:48 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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Informacije o poteku turnirjev si lahko pogledate v zavihku __Svetovalca__"Turnirji". \\
Informacije o poteku turnirjev si lahko pogledate v zavihku __Svetovalca__ "Turnirji". \\
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__27.-100. mesto__ - artefakti 1. stopnje.\\
__27.-100. mesto__ - artefakti 1. stopnje, zvitek 3. stopnje.\\
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Da bi prevzel nagrado za turnir (artefakt ali zvitek), mora igralec zgraditi stavbo "Zakladnica", nato vstopiti v zavihek Svetovalca "Turnirji" in klikniti na gumb "Prevzami nagrado".\\
Da bi prevzel nagrado za turnir (artefakt ali zvitek), mora igralec zgraditi [stavba|Artefact_store], nato vstopiti v zavihek Svetovalca "Turnirji" in klikniti na gumb "Prevzami nagrado".\\
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__41-100 mesto__ - artefakti 1-го stopnje.\\
__41-100 mesto__ - artefakti 1-го stopnje, zvitek 3. stopnje.\\
At line 76 changed one line
Da bi si prevzeti nagrado za turnir (artefakt ali zavihek), igralcu je potrebno zgraditi [stavbaArtefact_store] «Zakladnico», potem pa preiti v zavihek Svetovalca «Turniri» in pritisniti gumb «Dobiti nagrado».\\
Da bi si prevzeti nagrado za turnir (artefakt ali zavihek), igralcu je potrebno zgraditi [stavba|Artefact_store] «Zakladnico», potem pa preiti v zavihek Svetovalca «Turniri» in pritisniti gumb «Dobiti nagrado».\\
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%%tab-Turnir_«Zadrževanje Podzemeljskega jezera»
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V __turnirju «Zadrževanje Podzemeljskega jezera »__ cilj vsakega udeleženca je zajetje in zadrževanje največjega možnega števila Podzemeljskih jezer do njihovega popolnega uničenja.\\
[{Image src='grotto_hall.png' align='center' }]\\
In the __"Treasure Hunt" tournament__, the goal of each participant is to search for fragments of a treasure map and competition over the right to be the first to dig out the treasure.\\
[{Image src='map (1).png' align='center' }]\\
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__Udeleženci__ lahko postanejo igralci s stopnjo «Vrhovni vladar».
\\Na začetku tekmovanja se po vsem imperiju v naključnih mestih pojavljajo __30 Podzemeljskih jezer __. Vsak udeleženec turnirja, neodvisno od stopnje znanosti «Zunanje posesti», lahko istočasno lastnik enega Podzemeljskega jezera. Po zajetju se Podzemeljsko jezero začne rušiti. Popolnoma pa bo uničeno čez __8 ur__. Igralcu se šteje en oprijem v času razpada lastništva in se takoj na zemljevidu pojavi novo Podzemeljsko jezero. Če do uničenja jezera ga bo zajel drug igralec, čas bo začel iti na novo. Opustiti zajeto Podzemeljsko jezero __je nemogoče__!
Turnir se konča 10-ti dan po začetku, neodvisno od količine zajetih jezer. Vsi jezera se porušijo in se zaračunajo zadnjemu lastniku Podzemeljskega jezera. Nagrade se razporejajo glede količine zadržanih Podzemeljskih jezer in v primeru neodločenega izida temu, za koga jezero je bilo najprej preštejeno.\\
Pogledati napredek zadržanih jezer je možno v zavihku __Ratinga __"Turniri".\\
Only __Suzerains__ can participate in this tournament.
\\At the beginning of the tournament, a random runic sign is generated in each cell of the __Podzemlje__, which can be discovered by an explorer. At the same time, the __treasure__ is placed in several places of the Podzemlje. Each participant has their own treasure map of the size 3 x 3, which consists of 9 locked pictures. On this map, the place where the treasure is buried is indicated. To find the treasure, you need to find a combination of 3 x 3 pictures in the Podzemlje that completely matches the combination of pictures on the player’s treasure map. The treasure that can be dug out using the hero's special mission in one of the 9 cells of this combination of pictures in the Podzemlje. Only the participant who is the first to dig out the treasure in one of its locations in the Podzemlje receives the treasure (200 points)\\
To facilitate the search for a possible place where the treasure has been buried, the pictures in the Podzemlje cells are highlighted in blue. As you open the treasure map and narrow down the search area, pictures in the wrong cells in the Podzemlje will turn gray.\\
To open the locks on the treasure map, you need to explore the fields in the Podzemlje and find fragments of the map. Each explorer with some probability can discover 1 fragment of the treasure map. If a player is a member of a clan, he shares the fragment of the map he discovered with all members of the clan the very moment the fragment is found. Each picture on the treasure map requires a certain number of fragments to open it. If the explorer opened a picture in a Podzemlje cell and found a fragment at the same time, the player gets 3 points; if a fragment is found in a cell that has already been explored during the current tournament, the player gets 1 point. Players will receive points only for finding fragments with the help of their own explorers and will not receive points for finding fragments with the help of the explorers of other clan members.\\
The tournament lasts 10 days.\\
The prizes are distributed according to the points collected by players, in the case of a tie the first player to collect their points is the winner.
Players can see their progress in the "Tournaments" tab of the __Rating __.\\
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__Nagrade:__ \\
__Prizes for the Treasure Hunt:__ \\
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__1 mesto__ - artefakt 4 stopnje, \\
__2-6 mesto__ - artefakti 3 stopnje, \\
__7-26 mesto__ - artefakti 2 stopnje, \\
__27-100 mesto__ - artefakti 1-го stopnje.\\
Vsi igralci, ki so zadržali __eno__ ali več jezer pa se niso uvrstili v prvo stotino, bodo dobili tolažilno nagrado – zavihek 3 stopnje.\\
__1 place__ - level 5 artifact from the __High Elf set__, \\
__2-3 places__ - 2 players receive level 4 artifacts, \\
__4-10 places__ - 7 players receive level 3 artifacts, \\
__11-30 places__ - 20 players receive level 2 artifacts.\\
__31-100 places__ – 70 players receive level 1 artifacts and level 3 scrolls.\\
All players, who collected __at least 3 points__, but didn't make it to the first hundred, receive a consolation prize – a level 3 scroll.\\
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__Tournament services__ ( Help in the Tournament )\\
Following services are available for purchase during the 24 hours: \\
* Chance of finding a fragment of the map by explorers increased by 3 times
* Cancellation of the penalty on the speed of underground missions (cancels the +25% penalty)
If purchased, all of the above mentioned services remain active until the Tournament is over. \\
Services that are available during the tournament, but can be used only once:
* Instantly receive 10 fragments of the map
* the possibility to attack ruins of any level for 4 hours. \\
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Igralci, ki so zasedli 1-100 mesta, tudi dobivajo __medaljo __v čast zmage v Turnirju «Zadržanje podzemeljskega jezera». Ko ponovno zmagujete, če ste že enkrat dobili medaljo, se na medalji označuje število zmag. Medalja se izda takoj po koncu turnirja, ne glede na to, ali je igralec prevzel nagrado ali ne.\\
__Turnirne storitve__ (Pomoč v turnirju)\\
Storitve, ki so na voljo po naročilu v 24 urah: \\
* Poziv vojske Starodavni za zaščito podzemeljskih jezer: čete Starodavnih bodo prispeli za zaščito vsakega vašega Podzemeljskega jezera za časa njegovega zajemanja in bodo ostali tam do njegovega uničenja. \\
* Maksimalna zaščita v podzemeljskih jezerih: deluje v vsakem Podzemeljskem jezeru, ki ga zadržuje igralec.\\
Vse naročene storitve iz navedenega seznama veljajo do konca turnirja. \\
Storitve, ki so na voljo ves čas turnirja, vendar pa se lahko rabijo na turnirju samo enkrat:
* Prikaži poljubno Podzemeljsko jezero.\\
* Poslati 70% pošasti iz Ruševine na posest. \\
* Odprava omejitev za napad na poljubne ruševine tekom 4 ur. \\
__Chances of finding fragments of the map:__\\
Standard: 0,07%\\
Increased: 0,21%\\